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this thing blew up in somebody's face

Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK?

B’Man’s Revolt

I’ve studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I’ve been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa’s. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma.

Here is a telling photograph of the amputee actor. I encourage readers to view the photo side by side with my analysis.…42b556ee65.jpg  

If you lose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, you’re dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see whats called arterial spurting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the “tourniquet”…

Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There’s no pressure applied. There’s no knot with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There’s no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.

Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics.  His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what’s happening.
Frame 6


Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Frame 8


Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
Frame 9


In frame eleven after receiving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman’s shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.
Frame 11


Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14


Frame twenty, the fake blood and prosthetics are in place. The amputee gives an open hand gesture along with the woman to bring the cameras in. We’re now twenty frames in and still not a drop of fresh blood from a double leg amputation. His legs are dry, the woman is dry and unscathed. Both are making the same hand gesture.
Frame 20


These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston. Share this knowledge with everyone.


Something about this entire thing smells to high heaven. When have you ever heard of someone with a blown off leg not bleeding? Some make the claim that it was cauterized, but obviously, the picture of them wheeling the guy out on the wheelchair shows ‘blood and gore’ (a cauterization is a burn that seals the wound). Something changed between these images and when they wheeled him out in front of the cameras.

And there is more analysis from Fist-Of-Freedom:

This image was taken by a third party photographer seconds after the first explosion. There is clear evidence of false flag staging here. The man in the red coat and baseball hat on the right is kneeling down giving directions to the guy in the white T-shirt. Also looking to this pair for direction are the woman sitting to the right and the man in a hood and sunglasses who set up the double amputee prosthetics.

Notice the relaxed posture and face of the hooded man. Notice also the calm prepared posture of the woman sitting down on the bottom right. See how her shirt sleeve is severely torn, yet her skin underneath is clean and clear of injury and blood. From where she’s sitting look right to the bottom right corner and you can see an unmarked bottle of fake blood.

Look to the left and see the cowboy hat man standing there doing nothing. This is the same man who will pretend to hold the tourniquet of the fake amputee actor later on. Look to center of the photo and you will see the african woman moving herself away from the amputee actor since her shielding him from camera’s job is over. Next to her is a woman with red hair leaning on her elbow.

Missing Legman

Compare this now with another photo taken seconds later. Putting them side by side is very helpful.

The man with the hood and sunglasses, who was just sitting up looking fine and healthy after fixing up the amputee actor’s prosthetics, is now on his back being evaluated by two people. Notice the rips in his jeans have no sign of blood or injury on the skin. The woman with red hair however is in the exact same pose as a minute ago. Meanwhile the double amputee actor is completely ignored by everyone when he is clearly in the most dire need of attention. There is a small amount of fake blood around him where the african lady shielding him used to be, she has disappeared  What happened to her? Compare this photo with the first in my post.


The african woman who was sitting up, shielding the hooded man and amputee actor’s prosthetic rigging, giving hand signals, looking left and right, having no visible blood or injuries, is now covered in blood and strapped into a spine board stretcher.

In a real medical scenario the amputee would receive immediate treatment or die from bleed out. The fact this actor woman is removed from the scene via stretcher while the double amputee is left on the ground is ludicrous. He would be dead from blood loss before they could even begin spinal assessment procedures involved in moving a patient to a stretched. Not to mention his blood loss would be over five liters, enough to cover the entire scene around these people in a thick puddle.


From firsthand experience with trauma in the field of EMS work, this is not real. These are actors. This is all staged.


I know that many just want to believe. But I can’t help but think. So much doesn’t add up.

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105 Responses to Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK?

  1. miyoga says:

    Nice timing. Just sent a message to someone stating that this wheelchair “fake”tells the whole story.
    C’mon- I’m available.I could do a much better job sitting in the chair.
    But that begs the question why a chair and not a stretcher?
    Director’s response-Americans are dummies-this way it gives us a better camera shot-we tried the stretcher at the studio, but it just didn’t have the same effect.

  2. Foehammer says:

    Good article i think this guy nailed it

  3. Cathleen says:

    Just looking at this picture, and if it was me, I’d be freaking out if my leg looked like that. He looks so calm.

    . . .

    • miyoga says:

      dude looks like little Timmy Geitner

    • rhumstruck says:

      Firstly, I owe an apology to someone, but can’t remember who. Yes I was a bit sceptical about that much production in this case. But now I am looking at images that do not make sense. I may have jumped too soon, I’m sorry about that.

      Cathleen said, “I’d be freaking out if my leg looked like that. He looks so calm.”
      I can answer that first hand! It’s a mixture of shock and adrenaline. Until you’ve been there don’t knock it! Even critically wounded people do some superhuman things.
      Several years ago I was riding my chopper through Tampa,FL and was hit by a car. I went through her windshield. I wound up with a split open scull, broken leg and internal injuries. I didn’t loose consciousness until after EMT’s arrived.
      Between the time of the accident and police arriving, I was able to get contraband off of my body and possessions. A young “Gang Banger” who responded to the accident by tearing off his own shirt and using it as a pressure bandage on my head, did exactly as I told him. He and his friends must have had quite a party that night on my money :( Better they have fun than I go to prison!
      I never felt any pain until much much later at the hospital. After a week in the trauma IC unit I learned that I should not have survived the crash. In fact they called my daughter (1200 miles away) and she was informed that I would probably die before she could get there. I FOOLED THEM ALL! I’m still alive and kicking!!!!!!!
      I could bore you with more personal examples, but I see no point in to.
      The bottom line is that shock and adrenaline often causes a reaction that most people are incapable of imagining.
      So, should there have been more crying and display of pain? Maybe may be not. Each and every one of us react differently. Our imaginations just cannot possibly include the effects of shock and trauma, we just aren’t wired that way!. (A very big reason a SHOCK AND AWE mission is often so effective)

  4. Bullwinkle says:

    Will this post be made to disappear?
    I think I will save it.

  5. US Marine Fighting Tyranny says:

    My Fellow Americans:

    Hats off to Steve Apple and B’Mans Revolt.

    I’m not sure if Steve Apple is the author (or B’Mans Revolt), hence the EMT that wrote the article.

    It’s is to bad the pictures posted so small, but that is correctable.

    Either way,.. great analysis, which we here at From The Trenches had deduced and noticed ourselves, but it is invaluable to have someone from the medical field, especially an EMT with trama experience provide a Forensics Review.

    To all our readers here at From The Trenches,.. please pass this story (or its link) as far and wide as you can. Lets get people talking about this exposure of the fraud,… and hopefully some of the sheeple will catch on also.

    Thanks again to the author of this article,.. great job.

    JD – US Marines – The communists are desperate.

  6. Brett says:

    So where are the real, attached legs of the double amputee in those photos?

    • Doug Pearson says:

      Like the twin towers they were probably vaporized…..

    • Steve Apple says:

      BRETT BRETT BRETT,THE “ACTOR” LOST HIS REAL LEGS OVER 2YRS AGO,TRY TO KEEP UP. He has no real legs They were prop legs attached below the knee,if you had READ the article instead of just LOOKING AT THE PICTURES you would know this!!!!!!!!!

      • Brett says:

        I read the entire article before commenting, sir. So you’re saying that below the knee, this man’s legs were fake when he attended the marathon. This was due to some prior accident. Where are his fake legs then? They would have needed to be replaced with the fake injured legs.

        • Steve Apple says:

          who said he had FAKE LEGS hes an amputee in a fkn whl chair.How hard is this concept to grasp.and by the by Im just Steve, no sir or authority just plain ol Steve

          • Brett says:

            Where’s the wheelchair he was sitting in then? It’s only in the photo where he’s getting wheeled away. Where is it in the other photos of the scene? Nowhere. Because he was standing up on his own two legs. The Navy Seal put the real bomb in place, and real damage happened!

          • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

            This guy’s bucking for troll of the week, Steve.

            I’m tagging him. He’s mine. LOL

          • Steve Apple says:

            He #1 Dont you wish ya could meet little bitches like “bertie” for a face to face,and hes not even a poor distraction just more patriot video hes like a level one. too dumb to even ask a semi-logical question. He’s beneath you #1 are there any CHILDREN here that bart can play with,you know someone on his level that he can LEARN from. Have fun I’m turning in .

          • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

            Steve, read my comment to RT on this article, and you’ll understand what I meant by tagging him.


          • rhumstruck says:

            Brett where’s the wheelchair he WAS sitting in?
            HE’S SITTING IN IT!
            YES, innocent people were hurt, but not nearly as serious as it is foisted on the somnambulent public.

        • Edge says:

          I was just thinking the same thing. Did the hooded man somehow disposed the prop legs?

          • Edge says:

            Brett makes valid questions and i don’t think he is trolling. Maybe you are not understanding. The people hurt are real but the even was planned

  7. Fred says:

    This is easy to check. The double amputee was named today on the news.
    He is at the BI I think, go see him and see if the injuries are real..

  8. Steve Apple says:



    • Charlie S says:

      That’s it right there. 110%. Find them and arrest them. I’m posting this to my Facebook, spread the news people. This fukn gov’t is so corrupt it’s need to be overthrown and held accountable on war crimes against humanity.

    • Brett says:

      This video is far better proof than the article. I believe that this is a false flag event, but I also believe that some people were actually harmed. What would be the benefit of hiring actors? They don’t care if people get killed. And by the way, I sincerely wasn’t trolling earlier. I don’t do that shit. I’ve just been celebrating 4/20 quite hard today. :)

      • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

        I’ll say this one time only, Brett.

        What’s the point of going to all that trouble to create ONE ‘victim’. IF that was a real bomb, they would have had plenty of REAL victims for their three ring circus, not so?

        This stuff ain’t rocket science, and these m*o*o*ns are getting sloppier by the event.

        Bad actors AND bad management.

        • Brett says:

          Alright, let’s assume you’re right. Let’s say that the 8-year-old kid that got a lot of media attention for dying from the bomb is not really dead. How is this secret kept? Those who were close to this kid would undoubtedly find out something is up if he’s still walking around. Do you think they would ship him to another country and threaten him with death if he doesn’t remain silent? What is your opinion on how they handle these issues?

          • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

            You mean like Amelia Parker, the little girl that was ALLEGEDLY murdered at Sandy Hoax, who was in a photograph taken two days later, sitting on Obummers lap, wearing the exact same red and black dress as she was in the family photo they showed on the (so-called) ‘news’?

            You’re not too familiar with the latest generation of false flag ops, are you.

          • Brett says:

            Actually I am. It’s Emilie Parker. You avoided the question, though. I just want your opinion. Surely the three supposed dead from the Boston marathon are not just walking around Boston still living their normal lives, socializing with friends. If you do not believe they are actually dead, what, in your opinion, has been done with them?

          • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

            What proof positive can you provide they even existed to begin with?

          • jude says:

            exactly, why is the black woman on a stretcher while the amputee is sat up in a chair ? even if he could have survived, and so calmly, and having healed so very fast that no blood was forthcoming , the worst thing to do would be sit him up where gravity could pull the rest of his blood out faster lol. he has the energy to hold his own badly handkerchief tied leg as if to staunch blood flow and not one single drop of blood under that chair. nice catch, hard to see the activity pointed out but the end result tells enough

          • Ryo says:

            Brett, to answer your question–Perhaps they throw the “victims” into programs similar to MKUltra and run experiments on them? Everyone thinks they are dead, now they can do whatever they want with them.

            However, I am not suggesting that the bombs themselves were fake. Perhaps they were real, but perhaps they also had actors in there for extra dramatic effect? I find it very odd in particular that they give the lady who has all her limbs the stretcher, and wheel out a guy who is missing the bottom half of his body, sitting up right, on a freaking wheel char. But, I don’t know. What I do know is this event seems too convenient for them. And the predictions made by that ‘whistleblower’ who posted all over the forums on Monday after the event were a bit too accurate.

        • Brett says:

          That is a good point, but it leads me to ask you this. Do you believe that the dead and hundreds of victims do not exist at all? Yes or no.

          • overlooking the mountains of evidence of the “handiwork” of these


            TERRORISTS in just the last 100 years…


            do some research on YIDDISH THEATRE….er um an empire of their own…you do know about the CHOSEN KHAZARS….right ?

            maybe get a magnifying glass, and Sherlock Holmes hat…maybe a pipe


            you’re it

          • Steve Apple says:

            Bertie,What tire pressure does a whl chair have ,Are they radial tires ,nylon or just plain ol BIAS.Do whl chair tires need to be balanced and rotated,how about alignment.
            Are they street treaded or off road tires.are off road tires even available for this type of whl chair.See here bart anyone can ask STUPID ASSED irrelevant questions, at least you could earn your 30 pieces of silver with a real question.

          • Brett says:

            You really don’t help your cause with your disrespect towards others, Steve. You think I’m a paid shill? You are quite wrong. I’m on your side. I know this was a staged event, but I do not agree with everything this article puts forth. Also, my questions are not irrelevant, nor was that last question even asked to you. My questions are to merely promote discussion. I actually plan on calling in to the Alex Jones show ASAP to tell him about the video you posted. It was excellent.

          • Steve Apple says:

            Bertie,I have looked and can find nary one not a single question that you have put forth has made any sense what so ever.As far as “your on my team” NOOOOOOO THANX your a joke that cant even read and digest the simpleist of of articles,just throwing out irreelavent ???s.Are you unable to do any basic research,a world full of information is at YOUR FINGERTIPS but yet you ask the folks on this site to “EXPLAIN” and other such childish nonsense.I didnt WRITE the article but I did ENCLOSE THE SOURCE so why dont you drag your ass over to the AUTHOR and pose your STUPID ASSED QUESTIONS TO HIM/HER. Speaking of stupid assed BART type questions I NOTICED YOU DIDNT TAKE THE TIME TO ANSWER even one put forth to you,Why is that,maybe you should just hang out with A jones .I have no “CAUSE” that needs your kind of help.Where I come from RESPECT is earned NOT GRANTED ,now you go sit quietly in the corner and try to DIGEST my clear words.

          • Brett says:

            Your sentence structure and grammar is on an elementary school level, Steve. I therefore find it quite amusing each time you question my intelligence.

            As for my questions to others about their personal opinions, just because something can be researched doesn’t mean an opinion is not valued or appreciated.

      • erik says:

        i just thought:
        what if a whole bunch of people, wanting the best for their community, what they believe would be a world without fireweapons, would freely take part as actors in such an event based on their compartmentalized knowing of the whole attempt. they might even hold their tongue, believing they would do a good thing for their country. peolple can be so naive.
        they are clearly not professional actors. it was poorly staged by poor actors.

    • GREAT video. I wish it had a share button so I could post on facebook.
      My forum (DPF) has a lot about The Craft etc, but this vid is HARD evidence. Well done.
      Steve are you on facebook?
      BTW when the story first broke I saw the intial pics and it looked like red paint to me.
      (Attorney) Dawn Meredith
      Austin, TX.

      • Steve Apple says:

        Dawn To answer your faceCIAbook ? the answer is HEEEEEEELLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOO. I am a man and have long since put AWAY MY CHILDHOOD TOYS. You are a B.A.R. member att.? No offense(i dont care if you are) but ALL lawyers are the enemy of AMERICA Your type make a mockery of REAL LAW with your garbled up convoluted herewhatybut for nonsense bowing to a FAG in a black dress who is on the same bar team as you,Quit the paid whore greed profession is my advice to you Dawn and become a decent productive member of society.

        • Ryo says:

          My friend went into law to help weed out corruption, and uphold the constitution. Not everyone in law is on the side of the bad guys–however, many are.

          • Steve Apple says:

            Ryo,HUH “weed out corruption” the courts and the B A R making soul stealing codes and statutes have nothing to do with LAW only revenue,there are so many freedom stealing codes (one guys morality is anothers profit) that NO ONE CAN KNOW THEM ALL LET ALONE UNDERSTAND THEM.The creator did it in ohhhhh about 10 basic one you know dont steal dont screw your neighbors wife basic stuff to enable all men to live together in fact my guy (CHRIST) specifically spoke out against SCRIBES AND PHARISES calling them the liars and cheats that they really are.No I think after having numerous dealings with the “courts and lawyers” I will retain my low opinion of these mockers of true law and JUSTICE. but I will leave you with a lawyer joke for you and yours.

            ANSWER– a porcupine has all the PRIX ON THE OUTSIDE LOL

  9. Joe2 says:

    April fools was April 1st, not the 15th.

    No wonder they perpetrators/actors in this case can rationalize their hoax. Just think about it for a minute. They probably think, “Well no one was really hurt. We played our roles as actors for the good of the nation, to get guns off the street, limit murders during a period when we know U.S. citizens have been pushed beyond their limits, stressed out, and likely to do things they will regret later, all-in-all an admirable cause and we did an under-appreciated service for humanity”, we did it for their own good.
    Of course if the speak of it, they will most likely end up dead. What does that tell them?

    Meanwhile, they may not know, understand what the ultimate agenda is. When a sufficient tipping point is reached in public awareness, and they put together the event pieces regarding 9/11 and all the other false-flags, from USS Liberty to Murrah Bldg, JFK, MLK, RFK, to 7/7, to 3/3 Madrid, to the Gulf Oil spill, to Fukushima, to Sandy Hook and Aurora, to the Boston Marathon, the people will want revenge for all this deliberate, per-meditated shit, over all these years, by essentially the same group, and there will be hell-to-pay coming shortly. All of these events until just recently were real, with real death, immense suffering and huge additional suffering, death and destruction, that were deliberately caused by the events, false-flag Gulf of Ton-kin for instance.

    The higher-ups know the truth, know their libel, and the “facts” cannot be hidden much longer and they are in danger, that in my opinion is what this is about. They want to take away our ability to retaliate for what they’ve done to us

    Thanks for your great work and job in exposing this. We need and appreciate you immensely.

  10. andrew.w says:

    Great post, also see my short blog, using many of the same photos to show the timeline stretches over many minutes.

    After the stands and street are cleared they also remove the fence and scaffolding, all taking considerable time, and the double amputee is lying there unattended the whole time.

    Once again, excellent post.

  11. Kimberly says:

    I’ve actually see the clip of this guy on the news( I’m from Boston)
    He has both of his leg in the clip they were not blown off so that leads me to the conclusion that the picture was edited. In the clip shown on live
    News they were just wheelchairing him everything looked like the first picture except the missing legs

  12. Bullwinkle says:

    I posted on two so called patriot boards.Most have ignored it. A few did find it curious. one was sure he knew more than the author. I doubt he read it.
    Until more accept the ugly truth of the extreme lengths the government will go to lie I have doubts as to the people saving the Republic.

    One can ignore reality, but one can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

  13. dee says:

    so I did some closer looking…. the younger brother’s back pack was mostlyswhite in the initial photos and videos… I’m not seeing it in yours… im not saying your right or wrong… just an observation

  14. Take a good look at these pictures, not just the injuries, but look at their faces. What do you see? People with traumatic injuries like this should be crying, grimmicing, mouths wide open screaming in pain and fear. They just have a sort of bland look on their faces. Strange???????

    • # 1 NWO Hatr says:

      Bad actors.

      In fact, I think I can state without fear of contradiction that they must have hired this bunch from the same cut-rate talent agency the Sandy Hoax clowns came from.

  15. Charlie S says:

    Interesting article. I seen this pic earlier today with the cowboy hat man and the amputee on Facebook and I wondered where’s the blood? Wouldn’t there be more blood? Also no real anguish on his face? Like if my legs got blown off, I would be constantly screaming and crying like u see in the Vietnam movies. This is very stinky this whole thing.

  16. CrimeWatch says:

    The other brother is in the video. He’s farther back, next to the woman in pink. FYI.

  17. Nutze says:

    In the very top photo a woman has a vest on that says B.A.A. PHYSICIAN.
    It looks like she’s okay with letting Cowboy Hat Guy handle the situation, or would she not be a doctor?

  18. oldenwise says:

    for the fact that these victims are at least 10 feet away from the actual blast site should raise red flags…and the dark women has no blood on her whilst on the ground and you look at her on the gurney covered in blood…and the sign on the ground says it all…well done.

  19. implicaverse says:

    I caught on that this was all fake when I realized that the price of gold had its biggest drop in thirty years just one trading day before the bombing. The banksters had to drive down the price of gold before the attack, or panic buying would have sent it to unprecedented heights and wrecked the dollar.

    • miyoga says:

      but then one day the dude holding that beach ball under the water got too much oil on his hands and……whoop-2damoon…..
      unless they f@#$ing blow that up too

  20. BloodStock says:

    These false flags are quickly becoming “the boy(s) who cried wolf.”

  21. Eric says:

    Great job! I’m going to share this on my own blog. This country is F#$&*ed-up way worse that I thought.

  22. Petitpois says:

    Very good analysis.
    On the chair, the amputee has the strength to hold his leg. Strange…
    And only one leg ? He lost two!
    Furthermore, the double amputees’ position on the ground is unnatural. He seems to work his abs. That requires strength.

  23. Frikkie botes says:

    Everyone knows that this is a setup, everything indicates it is just one big steampot of BS. Only the low IQ government agents think that they can fool the higher IQ public.

  24. lenny says:

    orson welles is spinning in his grave

  25. Rachel says:

    I’m an EMT with 10 years experience in the field. I would have to disagree with the article. Yes, I do believe the Boston bombing is a false flag but the author is not aware of how arteries and veins respond to trauma. The blood stops flowing to the extremities when you go into shock. The blood goes to the core of the body instead. Any surgeon can tell you when a blood vessel is cut it tends to close up as well.

    What the writer is suggesting that a smoke bomb was deployed, (does not explain the broken glass behind them btw) and that with in seconds a man who already lost his legs prior, had fake injuries applied and massive amounts of fake blood poured around him all before a camera, while surrounded by other actors. I have set up drills and preparation takes days, hours to set up that many fake injuries and the formula for fake blood would be dish soap with red food coloring…Fake blood tends to bubble a bit.

    No one to into account the affect of shock, how affects the body and mind. I have seen people in massive car accidents walking around the wreck in shock and died on the way to the hospital of internal bleeding. I have taken gunshot wound with very little blood.

    What the writer is suggesting would be nearly impossible to pull off time wise and I have seen the picture where someone claimed the guy who lost his legs was a former marine and I compared the photos and I do not believe it was the same guy.

    This is poisoning the well tactics. It’s an old tactic and worked well Sandy Hook. The media and the web wants people so confused they start fighting with each other and look at the results of the bombing. Let’s not go off on accusations where there is no solid proof.

    I’m an EMT with experience in both drills and real life, including amputations of the foot and leg in car wrecks. There is nothing in that photo that suggest it’s all fake. It’s looks consistent with what I have witnessed. recently I had a man lose his foot in a car wreck, bone was sticking out like the guy in the chair and had even LESS blood.

    As to why the black lady was wheeled away first, that was simply a mistake made by ems. The man would have gone first in a drill. They would have preplanned who was to be taken first and there would be a medical officer doing triage. There was no triage set up on scene. It was “Pick them up and run” on scene due to the explosions. Triage would be done at a safe location.

    I’m sorry to disagree, but to have someone who just completed a course, who does not have years of experience, use photographs of a scene as proof it was all faked is just absorbed.

    Yes, there is a something screwy about the whole thing. But that doesn’t mean the whole thing was faked.

    • zurls says:

      Boy I guess the NSA really gets their money’s worth. Remember a while back they were hiring thousands of positions with a web basis? Well, this is one of them. If you post to an anti-Monsanto site there JUST HAPPENS to be a bee farmer there to disprove whatever you say – “In my 10 years as a bee keeper…”; you post about 9/11 truth there JUST HAPPENS to be a building demo guy there to refute what you say – “I’ve been demoing for 10 years…”, and now when posting about a fake injury we JUST HAPPEN to have a EMT present – “I’m an EMT with 10 years experience…” What luck! Thank god they are each there to muddy the water and sow doubts! It’s what they get paid for! (Hey, any one else notice that “Rachel” is actually a guy doing a piss-poor job of writing even remotely like a woman would?)

    • PJ London says:

      Hi Rachel,
      Like you I have had a number of years in EMT (OK it was a long time ago), including bomb incidents. From the photos I cannot be sure one way or the other, but I find it very strange that not one of the doctors / paras are in attendance to the amputee (fake or otherwise).
      On arriving, I would have thought that he was the prime injured and prioritised him over all the others. Yes shock can allow people to handle incredible trauma, but that does not account for how he continues, you have a “Physician” walking past him and “non-EMT” handling him in a wheelchair. Normally he would have been No 1, with morphine, torniquets, and plasma and then stretcher.
      The other aspect that makes me think it could have been a drill, is that “so many” are unattended. In most “real” situations, almost every injured has “someone” next to them talking, touching, comforting. Here we see a large percentage of people (mainly young men in jeans) paying no attention to various wounded. Even police generally (in my experience) get involved with the casualties rather than stand around yammering to each other.
      The behaviour of the guy in the hood and sunglasses is totally unbelievable to me. The Black woman who is eventually taken out on the stretcher / backboard is also either fake or really poor EMT procedure.
      I do not know what happened, but it looks strange, really poor procedure, and I would have expected significant EMT / Paramedic support at the finish of a marathon, four hours after the start, when the heart attack and “sunday” runners are arriving.
      good luck with finding out the truth.

    • katchel says:



    • PJ London says:

      Hi Rachel,
      Like you I have had a number of years in EMT (OK it was a long time ago), including bomb incidents. From the photos I cannot be sure one way or the other, but I find it very strange that not one of the doctors / paras are in attendance to the amputee (fake or otherwise).
      On arriving, I would have thought that he was the prime injured and prioritised him over all the others. Yes shock can allow people to handle incredible trauma, but that does not account for how he continues, you have a “Physician” walking past him and “non-EMT” handling him in a wheelchair. Normally he would have been No 1, with morphine, torniquets, and plasma and then stretcher.
      The other aspect that makes me think it could have been a drill, is that “so many” are unattended. In most “real” situations, almost every injured has “someone” next to them talking, touching, comforting. Here we see a large percentage of people (mainly young men in jeans) paying no attention to various wounded. Even police generally (in my experience) get involved with the casualties rather than stand around yammering to each other.
      The behaviour of the guy in the hood and sunglasses is totally unbelievable to me. The Black woman who is eventually taken out on the stretcher / backboard is also either fake or really poor EMT procedure.
      I do not know what happened, but it looks strange, really poor procedure, and I would have expected significant EMT / Paramedic support at the finish of a marathon, four hours after the start, when the heart attack and “sunday” runners are arriving.
      Good luck with finding out the truth.

      PS . to the regulars, not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Maybe they just, you know, have a different opinion.

    • miyoga says:

      I simply can’t find an explanation for the man’s facial expression.You are either in shock,passing out or showing outward expression of pain. Why was he put in a wheelchair rather than a stretcher?
      The blood in other scenes looks fake.The black lady looks like a cast member in “Night of The Living Dead”.Back to the wheelchair.Look at that guy with the hat. I’m reading overall body language-and to me it stinks in all scenes.
      Hey Rachel-take a break from this crap for a few.Listen to Amy Lee.Depressing but beautiful. Actually very pertinent to our truth movement.We are not lith heads, numb to our feelings, rather,we embrace them as a fuel and temper them with reason.Sorry to get OT

      • andrew.w says:

        WTF, are you saying the blood stops flowing to the extremeties when the legs are cut off, and nobody can bleed to death from two missing legs?

        Is that why they left him rolling around on the ground legless? Because he wasn’t in any danger? LOL

        The only time the blood stops flowing to the extremeties is due to cold and vasoconstrictions in the extremeties, well guess what, he didn’t have any extemities for the blood vessels to constrict in.

    • CurtCo says:

      Not questioning your expertise as an EMT, but the pictures themselves and the description how this staged emergency situation is artificially build up is prove enough.

    • Diogenes says:

      You inquire as to the broken window. Well if you look AT the first picture in the sequence taken by the private photographer (follows right after frame 20), you’ll please take note that the largest amount of glass in ON THE SIDEWALK.

      A blast wave originating on the exterior side of the glass would have sent almost ALL of the glass INTO the establishment, and NOT outwards.

      Further, the doorway to that place had a sign on the door, where someone was seen to be crouching in other photos (not in the article).

      Then you remark: “Yes, I do believe the Boston bombing is a false flag but the author is not aware of how arteries and veins respond to trauma. The blood stops flowing to the extremities when you go into shock.”

      Do you pretend to say that an arterial wound would close-off all by itself? If so, then why even apply a tourniquet?
      And BTW: Blood vessels and arteries ~are~ different, and behave quite differently as well. But you ~already~ knew that too, right?

      Finally, if indeed those injuries were supposedly real, then where are the man’s feet, and shoes? They are NOWHERE to be seen.

      And how is it that his pants are ~neatly~ trimmed to above the thighs? WHY NO SHREDDED CLOTH?

    • . says:

      I don’t have to be an EMT to question the events depicted in these photos.

      Why was the black lady uninjured and unbloodied in the photo that was clearly taken after the blast, but then later is shown laid out on the stretcher, supposedly injured horribly? Why was the hooded sweatshirt guy looking so blase after the blast? I don’t think that shock would account for not enough blood spurting from the amputee. In fact, I call BS on you, Rachel. I don’t believe you’re an EMT. I believe you are a shill. (And I don’t think you earned your bonus, but I supposed you will get extra points for the length of your fake comment.)

      There may have been some real bombs, too, but my first thought when I heard the those “special voices” on NPR (that accompany all false flag events) was that the victims are fake. Hey, after Sandy Hoax, who can blame one for suspecting? What is the proof that those persons ever existed?

      And why did the storefront glass blow onto the sidewalk instead of into the store? And why aren’t we being told who the military/seal/blackwater/Craft men are? And why did one of those men appear to lose his back pack and run away? Why did none of those men offer aid to the supposed victims?

      Finally, show me some real blood. Bwaaaahhahhah, this is poster paint!

      Conspiracies are real, folks. Look what they just did at Sandy Hook? Why would we believe anything the lamestream media or our politicians tell us?

    • Yes Rachel, sometimes the body does respond to massive trauma by closing off the artery/vein to prevent further blood loss, sometimes not, as evidenced by the number of accident victims who die due to blood loss.

      Any first responder who had any training would have grabbed the ‘amputee’ first and got them to advanced medical care, since the ‘victim’ was still conscious and alert, which means they’re a good candidate for survival.

      As for the blood, I’ve never seen blood that looked like that on the scene, the blood in the pics looks like paint.

      That’s coming from someone who’s been on over 2,000 medical emergencies. Vehicle accidents; shootings; knifings, gun shot wounds, industrial and construction accidents which included ME runs where the victim lost an arm or hand or leg.

      And where’s the blood splatters that would have been on the bystander’s other victims from the femoral artery squirting before it shut off, I don’t see any.

  26. James E. says:

    I fully agree with the EMT-B who reports this article.I too am an EMT-1A and made this same observation. As I leave this reply @ 12:40am Sun ,This is the final day of the Toyota Grand Prix of Long beach Ca. I live only 3 blocks from the event..I truly pray the govt. doesn’t have drill plans for this event as they did for the BM and Sandy Hook..There is an overwhelmingly large police presence covering Land,Sea,and Air. This by no means makes me feel any safer,just the opposite..with this “Show of Force” I wonder what may lay around the corner. Anyway,a very insightful article.

  27. zach says:

    Look at this image – there are like 4 or 5 people with their legs missing and the two women who are acting like they are unconscious. The one woman has no legs and a leg is bent underneath her. the dude in the background in the center of the image is missing his left lower leg. No word about any of these people.

  28. Aussie says:


    You’ve been busily spamming all forums with your fake claims, I believe

    You’ve been in GLP. In Reddit. You name it, you’ve been there, using different IDs but *always* claiming qualifications which validate your nonsensical BS

    I realise you have to post for pay. I realise you must need the money. But we are not paid to pretend to listen to or believe your attempted con

    We’re smart people, Rachel. Lot smarter than you, obviously. We’ve been around. We know there’s no way in the world that guy would be conscious, capable of gripping his thighs (to hold his fake shredded prosthetic in place) or capable of holding up his own weight in a wheelchair to nowhere

    Stop insulting people’s intelligence, Rachel. It’s not working. You were told that days ago in innumerable online fora.

    NO. You are not an EMT with 10 years experience. You are simply another drone paid to post in the futile and desperate attempt to fool people with very low IQ

    What worked once isn’t working now, Rachel. Go tell your employers they cannot fool all the people all the time. And these crisis actors are cheap and incompetent. So what we see here is a budget production featuring bottom rung ‘crisis actors’ and a laughably unconvincing fake shredded pair of legs being held in place by a guy who must feel like the lowest slug in the sewer for taking part in this insultingly see-through charade

    Now off you go Rachel. Rush to spam the next forum. What a busy bee you are. So important. The future of the US govt. rests on your shoulders and your ability to con the people

    Whatever they’re paying you Rachel, is way too much. You’re as useless as the abysmal crisis actors you’re paid to defend

    We don’t believe this crap and we don’t believe you. They failed to convince. And so do you

  29. Insomniac says:

    The leg is lumpy where they attached the fake part with the bone (one bone? The lower leg consists of a tibia and fibula, so where is the second bone that should be showing?) plus there are no jagged edges of flesh which you would see in such a trauma. That “blood” is about as fake looking as it comes, like the stuff you get for Halloween and was clearly added later as you can see from the pictures. They were actors hired for the drill and it’s too bad they have been paid off to stay silent. Either that or maybe they had some criminal charges dropped to take part in this. The Feds will do those sort of things. Something sure keeps these bad actors silent. How disturbing it is to know that the people there thought it was okay if robocops locked them down like a prison. This country is very, very sick.

  30. TG says:

    Excellent job friends,

    You have done a commendable investigative work. I have archived this for later (it will be “deleted”). Also, you guys surely know which group was behind this…

  31. Dan Copeland says:

    White shirt with no blood solo cup in her lap remove her for shot of actor with no legs solo cup remains for ref

  32. HeHeHAHA says:

    This fake bomb theory makes a ton of sense, I saw fox news coverage of this choreographed wheelchair scene, and everything adds up and makes sense.
    You cant have a precision injury like that on a leg, perhaps if there was a high brisance sheet explosive like c4 used, but a low velocity pressure cooker makes no sense, and if it was genuine pressure cooker bomb the blast would be way huge. Only 3 dead is too little, and where are these 3 dead. The fact that they found the lid far away makes sense, for the actual device was probably an aluminum hollowed cooker with no lid. Being next too a guy with his lower leg blown off and still conscious from the blast is improbable. So yes this was a smoke bomb. A team of actors prepped the scene. Cameraman tasked to say oh my god and take horrible video of nothing while the actors prep the scene. Second bomb to distract and keep real cameraman edgy. Hired security teams to add to the confusion. But unfortunately for the hoaxers there was a private company doing go pro drone images from about 1000 feet up, should be interesting what that vid shows.

  33. Dan Copeland says:

    One more point if there were a dozen lost legs would they not be right here at the blast site not just one?
    were on earth are the other limbs?

  34. musimann says:

    Ironic that our double amputee was the one that ID’d the younger chechnan patsy. Guess he missed all the Craft operatives lingering about and dropping packs. I had doubts about this until I read your analysis. I’m convinced but is rather mind boggling. The blood does not look real. I wonder how they managed to stage this and be uninjured while so many were injured. This first blast looks rather small compared to the second which was a large fireball. lots of smoke going up here but somehow a pressure cooker lid ended up on the roof. No way to plant that. :) Other pics show the Craft guys tearing up the stands looking for something across from the injured people. Guess they have their priorities.

  35. Miguel Grande says:

    Thanks for the analysis of the fake injuries. Rachel should give her opinion on the fake blood the cowboy hat guy gathered on an Amerikan flag. Doesn’t blood turn a brownish color hours after but the cowboys flag is still bright red? If there is a trial, won’t Tsarnaev’s lawyer subpoena the flag for a blood analysis?

    My limited expertise is explosives. Immediately, when I saw the 1st explosion, I noticed that there was absolutely no fragmentation. There was one runner who went down but no blood. There were at least 50 flags and not a single one was torn. Not a single flag pole severed. There were 4 yellow balloons in the kill zone that fluttered away.

    In Viet Nam, our army used Claymore mines that had a directed charge of 750 ball bearings and would be staggered for maximum effect. I was always amazed when they went off because they would sever small trees and defoliate them. One Claymore would have killed 30 people in that crowd. A Claymore is less than half the size of a pressure cooker. Watch the movie “Swordfish” for a slow motion detailed demonstration of a fragmentation bomb.

    When we were kids we used to blow up stuff with cherry bombs like model cars, cans, and mail boxes. We would not have had the nerve to blow up my mom’s pressure cooker, but if we did, it would have been very similar. I even saw parts of the lid falling out of the sky but no fragments, no nails, no ball bearings and no BB’s. A true terrorist might have used a cheaper crock pot for maximum effect.

    The charge was maybe, 3 times more powerful than a cherry bomb with white smoke which any one will tell you is ordinance. The smoke and blast went straight up harmlessly. Total false flag.

  36. Bonnie says:

    I noticed that, first off, the guy
    -wouldn’t have been put on a wheel chair
    -he’d have been in shock
    -he’d have been unconscious, unaware

    His face shows, he’s very conscious.

  37. Eyes Wide Open says:

    If you take a good look at the six close-up images of the huddle of three people (the double amputee, the black woman and the man with the sunglasses and hoodie), this will become 100% clear to you in the transition between image #5 and image #6.

    Pic 1: The double amputee is pulling a prosthetic attachment over his left leg, while the black woman is placing a squeeze pump in his left hand, which is attached by hose to a prosthetic attachment that will be placed over his right leg.

    Pic 2: The man in the shades and hoodie begins sliding the prosthetic attachment over his right knee, while the double amputee continues pulling the attachment on the left leg down further (take note of where his shorts are in these images, compared to the images of him seated as he’s being rolled out).

    Pic 3: The prosthetic attachment on the right leg is now secure; you can even see that there is a brand new dark band around his leg that is tourniquet tight. The black woman now fully hands off the squeeze pump to the double amputee, and he struggles to finalize placement of the prosthetic on the left leg. Take note of the color of his right leg, both above and below the black band; as well as the size of the bulges at the top, and a conspicuous white bump on the inside knee.

    Pic 4: The double amputee continues to struggle with placement on the left, as is noted by the odd bulges. He is now fully in control of the squeeze pump, and the white bump as well as the bulges on the top of the considerably darker half of his right leg are suddenly swollen.

    Pic 5: The darker half of his right leg is now even more swollen, a considerable difference between the first image and this one. That odd white bump is still there. The left leg prosthetic now seems to be nearing a good fit.

    Pic 6: The right leg now displays torn flesh after enough pumping to burst the bags filled with fake blood. The black woman receives blood on her chest from the popping of the bags.

    Another interesting observation: You will notice in each of these six images that there is an orange colored bag that appears to be laying across the stomach of the double amputee. You probably didn’t give it much thought. Bags everywhere. However, if you look at the second-to-last image on the page (the close-up of the carnage), you will not see that bag.

    No … you’ll have to go the the very last image on the page to see that bag. What a brave woman … to have the wits about you to keep your shoulder bag strapped on as you’re carted away.

    • toneii says:

      I figured this out. My postulate is that grey hooded guy takes off his sunglasses and they use his sunglasses holder strap as a tourniquet on the double amuptee’s right knee. You can see in this sequence that the lady puts her hand on the stump. Why? Because she is going to apply the strap from grey hoodie’s glasses. That’s why he takes them off. That seems like a far better explanation.

      The bigger problem I see of the crisis actor postulate is, how do you manufacture all of that physical destruction, of the wooden fence slats, for example, in such a short moment? It doesn’t really make any sense.

  38. bob says:

    Yup, total explosion caught on film…yup sure is fake and staged..never underestimate the power of stupidity and idiotism…hats off to you.

  39. kol says:

    I just noticed in frame twenty I believe, the guy on the right in the white t shirt that says “team Kerto” well if you google team kerto , Imdb comes up as kerto roos, he is a set constructor…, Kinda gave me chills…

  40. Zeeda says:

    Thank you! How convenient that the guy that had already lost his legs before the bombing loses them again… He also ID the younger brother placing the backpack. He also said he looked the younger brother in the eye just b4 it blew……..what a bunch of lairs they all are. They have already cleaned up the fake blood….but I will still demand DNA from the sidewalk where the bombing took place on all the so called injured to match DNA….it would still be there even after the clean up.

  41. lostwoodradio says:

    just gonna post this quick here there is so much showing the wag the dog show in boston wish i had time to post all now but this is the main goal this lockdown claimed marshal law adn the list of ppl of interest they did go after is what its all about not the made for tb sideshow of supposed bombings which from the begining they announced dont panic it is only a staged drill orson wells got nothing on this staged event

  42. Steve Apple says:

    Here’s the guy before in his whl. chair with no legs you hear me BIERTIE,no fkn legs

  43. Fox says:

    the truth is out there, how long before the cruption is exsposed??



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