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Re: Lithium orotate and iodide supplementation
Ginagirl Views: 5,459
Published: 12 y
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Re: Lithium orotate and iodide supplementation

High Lithium may suppress the thyroid. I have seen this in friends receiving Lithium carbonate medication.

The orotate is probably much better. But still, I would recommend balancing those two, by taking much more Iodine than 0.5 mg.
have a look at this thread; lithium comes up.

Iodine also have effect on the psyche. I have seen this in myself, my sons, my cats and other cases. Like anxiety, tantrums, anger, emotionality; more balanced after iodine.

"Lithium is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for bipolar disorder. It can be helpful for improving mood stability and reducing symptoms of mania. However, there are some risks and side effects that come with this medication.

A frequent side effect of lithium is weight gain. After taking lithium for a period of time, it causes changes in your metabolism. It can decrease your production of thyroid hormones, and therefore cause hypothyroidism."



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