Re: I still get confronted with articles like this
Good to see you on board again, Alexandria, still alive after all that
Iodine ? :))) Doing well?
Yes, articles like this used to bother me.
I read the article through, she actually recommends iodine, but only transdermal, " No person anywhere understands why this is, but it is a verifiable fact that low to moderate amounts of
Iodine are harmless when absorbed transdermally."
She also promotes the patch test, and even potassium
Iodide internally "for those who are careful not to overdose"
-but do not mention what dosage that is.
Other than that th article is full of scare tactics, and plain out factuals, like; "Iodine poisoning was uncommon in the past, because routine ingestion was never recommended by anyone -- until recently."
-The fact is that
Iodine was used in gram sizes, in medications, for decades, like;
I must say I wonder who has mental illness when she manage claim;
" Be aware that poisoning one's child through iodine is a symptom of the mental illness, Munchhausen by proxy, so the abuse will only get worse as the child gets older."
This adds to it; and also show a unbalanced person IMO, and thats NOT the one mentioned;
" Guy Abraham is the lone messiah of iodine drinkers, and his followers are like the snake handlers in bizarre self-poisoning rituals."
So, scare tactics + namecalling + questionable retorics and journalism. In addition to several factuals.
I`d say that in her "Editors note", she reveals herself, and loose most, if not all credibility.