12 y
Re: Dr. Clark's 3-product protocol, quick question from AF sufferer
I think that if you have tapeworm, it will work, and maybe for smaller worms, but IMO without the
Black-Walnut and cloves, it's useless against other parasites.
Wormwood "stuns" the worms, so that the
Black-Walnut can kill them. The cloves kill the eggs. I'm rather surprised that whoever is running the company now didn't include those two ingredients, because she preached their effectiveness together for many years, which is why I wish you could get Kroeger's Herbs, which has all three, plus the male fern and quassia.
I had a lot of luck with the Kroeger formula, and I think the male fern helped rid me of a
Tapeworm I had been harboring a long time. The quassia works very well on candida. I got a lot of that out with it. I will tell you that the male fern and quassia are so good that the die off is horrible, so you will need to drink lots of water. Lemon water helped me get through it, and still, I had to stop 4 days from the end because the die-off was so bad, but you may have a different experience.
Someone else may have info I don't have, so don't take my word for it.