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Re: bread, baker's yeast and the research controversy
ericbakker Views: 5,857
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Re: bread, baker's yeast and the research controversy

Some folks are really confused when it comes to yeast, they say when you have a yeast infection that you need to avoid ALL yeasts. This is just plain ignorance. Some yeasts are beneficial, just like bacteria - there are the good, not so good and downright really bad. Common sense is not that common. Saccharomyces boulardii is a good guy, and here are 5 good reasons to consider this beneficial yeast:

1 - S. boulardii appears to be taken up by the intestinal villa and to adhere to cells in the small intestine, increasing brush border activity and increasing normal cell maturation, cells that help stop LGS. This yeast can help reverse leaky gut syndrome!

2 - S. boulardii also exerts a protective effect on epithelial cells by decreasing the level of intracellular infection and reducing the apoptotic effect (cell killing) of dysbiotic bacteria on intestinal epithelium.

3 - S. boulardii has also been shown to increase intestinal secretory IgA production, very clever and great for those with f/allergies and gut inflammation.

4 - S. boulardii prevents Entamoeba histolytica from adhering to human erythrocytes, a model of the first
step in amoebic infection in humans. I suspect it kicks butt with many other parasites and pathogens too.

5 - S, bouladii is especially good against anti-biotic induced diarrhoea, (clostridium d.) and a specific here. It should be the first choice in difficult diarhea presentations. NEVER go to Asia without it. Once you get diarhea from a parasite or bacterium, you are a sitting duck for a candida overgrowth as well, a doctor will use strong drugs which may include an antibiotic, and so the merry-go-round continues.

Re: Grains and Candida.

Not ALL grains are "evil" with candida, this is candida BS at it's very best. I allow most patients to have wheat, but in saying that don't recommend conventional (risen) bread containing baker's yeast and sugars, nor conventional supermarket flours. I believe that a good quality wholemeal flour, salt and water can make a satisfactory flat bread which my candida patients have no difficulties with. Only a VERY small percentage of folks have gluten issues to the severity of being a celiac.

There is a hell of a lot of manure spread around on the internet when it comes to wheat and the gut, so much in fact it's a shame I can't plant my vegetables in it, they'd be six feet high. It seems that wheat has almost become "radioactive" and that if we eat wheat we will die a most horrendous death within days, LOL. How many of these people who parrot this around have actually seen patients, and "allowed" them to eat wheat? Wheat (gluten) allergies do exist, but are much less common than dairy allergies which are the most common of ALL allergies. In my book, I talk of the Low-Allergy Diet, an essential prerequisite to healing the leaky gut, which most candida patients have.

Avoiding ALL grains, including wheat, is a pain in the butt. It can increase weight-loss, decrease compliance and cause a lot of weakness and tiredness in patients. I have helped a heck of lot of candida patients back to great health, AND "allowed" them to remain on wheat. No deaths yet, and most of these folks are back to their two or three slices of bread a day again. It is important to remember that 90% of people eventually gravitate back to the foods they like to eat, and most folks like wheat of some kind. To treat wheat like a "poison" is to make folks feel guilty about what they eat, and that's not a good thing.

But when it comes to wheat - get a quality flour, your health food shop can sell you a "demeter" rated flour (biodynamic) or a high grade stone ground certified organic flour. Make up flat breads, and avoid baker's yeast. The problem with most conventional breads is that the yeast is still alive and active, I spoke with a baker who has made bread for over forty years and he said that bread making today is a far cry from the quality product they made years ago, today's bread containing active/viable yeast and bread from long ago the yeast was inactive/dead. This is one good reason to NOT eat conventional bread if you have candida, it will contribute to fermentative dysbiosis. C. albicans loves this, and thrives in THIS very kind of environment.
Wait till your digestion is right and your yeast population is under control, then check it out.

Best grains? Wheat IS OK (but NO yeast and NO Sugar with it, e.g; conventionally baked breads, donuts, cookies, muffins, etc.), Quinoa, Amaranth, Buckwheat and Millet are good.



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