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Re: Please help, I can no longer do a natural BM and need advice on how to fix things
milkymoo24 Views: 1,618
Published: 12 y
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Re: Please help, I can no longer do a natural BM and need advice on how to fix things

Hi, thanks for your replies.

I am trying to getup and working out and I have started taking a fibre supplement. I still need 3 enemas a week to move things, I cant go in between enemas though. Has been this way for over 3 months now and I dread to think I might have to do this for the rest of my life.

I have a banana every morning, does that count as my potassium? Had to cut out so many food that were irritating my colon I am finding a balance with diet at last, the lack of naturtal BMs is the only weak link left.

Does anyone know if Senna tea works? And is it safe/addictive as an alternative to enemas and laxative. I cant imagine a herbal tea being as harsh.



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