Beer for guys, and wine for gals. But don't forget the bourbon and coke, another BIG yeast causing drink. White wine appears to be a bigger problem than red. There is no "safe" alcoholic drink when it comes to candida, and this is possibly the biggest problem in somebody's diet as far as I can tell - alcohol. Once a person finally breaks away from booze for sometime (4 - 6 months), it is often the tipping point in their recovery. But try to tell that to a soccer mom with two or three kids who would "kill" for a glass of wine with her girlfriend, or the guy who has a few cans (or more) when he watches football with his mates. Old habits die hard, and for this reason many folks I see only partially recover from candida. They'll take pills, but want their cake and eat it too.
In New Zealand we have a real problem with "leaky buildings", or relatively new homes that leak and create mold inside the walls. This is another key and often overlooked area - mold. It creates more problems than you can imagine with many folks.