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Re: Stronger antifungals that could harm microflora or milder antifungals that are less harmful towards beneficial bacteria?
Dr.Jeff Views: 1,718
Published: 12 y
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Re: Stronger antifungals that could harm microflora or milder antifungals that are less harmful towards beneficial bacteria?

Humans are "Super-organisms" composed of human cells along with bacteria, virus, yeast, mold, parasites, fungus, etc, all co-existing together. These microbes outnumber us by at least 10 to 1. The philosophy of attacking these microbes is akin to attacking our own body, and reflects the reductionistic medical viewpoint that has created many of the health problems we face today.

"On reflection, perhaps it would be wise to reconsider the frequently used metaphor of humans being “at war with microbes”. It is absurd to believe that we could ever claim victory in a war against organisms that outnumber us by a factor of 10 to the 22nd power, that outweigh us by a factor of 10 to the 8th, that have existed for 1000 times longer than our species, and that can undergo as many as 500,000 generations during 1 of our generations ."

Declaring a Truce With Our Microbiological Frenemies -

The above two articles help to validate the approach used in the Candida Plan where we aren't attempting to kill anything, just convert from one form to another with Candida Force and supporting the body in restoring balance with Detox Essentials. We don't use probiotics until Week 7, when the fungal candida issue is corrected enough to allow for recolonization of the intestinal flora.

Here's one study of candida inhibiting Lactobacillus in the stomach after use of the antibiotic cefoperazone -

"C. albicans can prevent the regrowth of Lactobacillus spp. in the stomach after cefoperazone and promote increased colonization by Enterococcus spp."

I've also seen the same effect of candida on the intestinal flora in another study and will see if I can easily locate it. This type of information isn't something you're likely to see elsewhere, as most people are just rehashing the same misguided medical approach of kill, kill, kill, under the guise of it being "holistic." How "whole" is it however, if we're seeking to destroy something that is a vital part of us.

Antibiotics are a gateway drug that can lead to a life of numerous conditions, diseases, and escalating drug use. This is easy enough to comprehend when we look at the list of symptoms commonly associated with candida -



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