I've just become more aware of all the man made toxins in our food and household products, so I'm still learning. It seems impossible to get away from it completely but there are ways to minimize it.
Best to buy organic foods and products if possible. Try to avoid dangerous food additives . Here's a list of the top 10 Food additives to avoid: http://foodmatters.tv/articles-1/top-10-food-additives-to-avoid
Shop for organic fruits and vegetables and always rinse them with warm water before eating them. Also peel the skin for potatoes, apples, etc.
I'm learning about the dangerous of bottled water as they contain BPA. I'm looking at alternatives and so far it looks like purchasing BPA free bottles and using a water filter seems the safest bet.
You mentioned anti-inflammatories, turmeric also helps with this. Also coconut oil is good for preventing Alzheimer's. And don't forget about antioxidants, like green tea, to help against free radicals.