Environmental toxins and AF
I was wondering if any of you had similar experience and what did you do to manage it. Besides candida, parasites, EBV, amalgams...I was thinking about environmental influences. Although not able to move now - cause lost my job since 2 years - i still want to reduce somehow these toxins,
After i did an inventory with endo- and exotoxins that can impair my liver I also found:
- mold exposure (no test in my country or air filter but definitively black mold exposure; live in the first flat above basement)although not very obvious visually, the second i entered the flat i feel a sudden fatigue, fog...
cleaning the visible spotts with baking soda cleaned it but i still feel it in the air
- cooper pipes (no test in here no filter) chlorine in shower water; we drink only bottled water
- gas from cars (we live near a crossroad; understood the gas has something like acetilaldehide and lead in it)
until now we took off normal
table salt , tap water and things like that and diet: no sugar, dairy...
preservatives but the improvements are hard to be seen.
better when im taking vit.D, krill oil and proteolithic enzymes - i believe antiinflammatory help
Any idea or suggestion or experience will be welcome :).