Hi all,
I have a question i need answered asap.
I decided to start the MAster Cleanse. Not only to clean out the toxins but I want to lose some weight.
Im a guy and currently hitting 182
pounds / 83 kg / 13 stones and i want to go down to 11 stones/70 kg
I started
The Master Cleanse today and I read that to lose weight it is optimal to
1/2 the maple syrup to 1tbs and drink 6 amounts.
Now my questions are?
1. I normally get 2-3 tbs out of my lemons. Can I put extra lemon juice in every drink. eg. 3tbs Lemon : 1tbs Maple Syrup : & Cayenne
2. Im going to stick to 6 amounts of the recipe. and I know that it is recommended to drink extra water throughout the day. Can I replace the extra water, with LEMON + Water. [just Lemon and Water -no Maple Syrup or cayenne].
3. Final question I can not get my
Sea Salt to work. Im using organic Geo-Atlantic
Sea Salt . any advice on that.
I look forward to hearing from you. the quicker the better.
Thank you, enjoy the long weekend