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Re: Explain my fasting experiences.
chrisb1 Views: 4,687
Published: 12 y
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Re: Explain my fasting experiences.

Ok Sean,in answer to............

"My questions would be why did I still bloat from drinking just water"?

Unusual case I would say, but these are some possible causes:
#1. gas from internal abdominal tension. A constant internal tension or pressure is maintained in the digestive tube. This is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Increased tension is felt, reflexly, as pain or discomfort in the muscles of the abdomen. Fasters who so suffer generally complain that the "gas" makes them nervous and keeps them awake at night. However, in the majority of cases, it seems that the opposite of this is the truth--the nervousness causes the increased tension and resulting discomfort. Where these patients are able to completely relax, their "gas pains" cease.

#2. Residual food substances within the intestines, where they ferment and putrefy resulting in bloating as well.

Relief can be obtained from sipping hot water rather than tepid water.

AND...."Why was the bloating the same bad before the fast as after (may have been slightly worse)"?

Only juices should be used in breaking a fast with delicate digestion as this needs to re-nurtured over time, and being careful to limit the quantity of juice.
The improper combination of juices/foods can also lead to bloating post-fast and even then taken only according to appetite in limited quantities. Proper food combining goes a long way in alleviating abdominal distress.

AND..."Any ideas on how long it will take my to get a clear tongue (I thought only severe cases lasted >30 days)" ?

A clean tongue is only a secondary reason in breaking a fast, but if it is broken before genuine hunger returns, as it is in most cases, very careful breaking and refeeding is is needed to prevent further digestive issues.
It can take two or even three prolonged fasts to eliminate toxemia completely, but if refeeding in between is not strict, this can add to toxemia instead of avoiding the same.

Liver congestion should not be an issue here leading to bloating, as the first fast of 30 days should have cleaned this organ out completely with the purified blood that fasting affords.

How is your appetite post-fast?




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