Re: Need some help sorting this out. AF or Candida or Heavy metals????
I'm sorry, did I mention anyone specific? Was I referring to you?
I've made my posts, I've told my story many times, and have yet to see one with more detail and with anything as quantitative. I've been to hell and back, and I know dysbiosis. I lived it too. That was back in 2002 when this forum was in its infancy. I came back to help others, and ran into a lot of what you just did to me.
My dysbiosis was independent of diet. As for most, it was the result of
Antibiotic overuse back when doctors were rampantly prescribing them for everything, before the realization that
Antibiotics were killing the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria, and were allowing the resistant bacteria to thrive on the human host, to mutate when the next new
Antibiotic came along and ultimately to suppress the immune system and even worse, to cause the immune system to turn on it's own master and start the cycle of self destruction.
Good luck to anybody trying to reverse that with diet alone, but I'm happy for you that you did. A reasonably balanced diet which is more like 60-20-20 is good enough for me.