Re: Need some help sorting this out. AF or Candida or Heavy metals????
After reading that article by Dr Wilson I just threw all my pork chops away. That leaves me very little food for the week.
This stuff is stressing me out. Sorry I know everyone is trying to help. Just seems like I read this read that. This seems good or that seems good.
So if I am left eating Chicken or beef everyday that is going to get real boring. I still buy Wild Salmon too. Problem is my little boy will not eat half of this food. Although he does like sweet potatoes.
Trying to get "healthy" I am now realizing can make you broke. I wonder if the stress of this is not helping any.
Not trying to attack anyone I know and appreciate all your help. I just have anxiety and really I am on a tight budget. There is no way I can afford organic meats and veggies.
For Protein: Chicken, Beef, Some fish, and eggs.
Veggies; All cooked according to Dr Wilson?
No fruit: This sounds too much like the candida diet that I tried ages ago and I failed because it does not seem natural to not eat fruit. Snickers bars etc...I understand. I do try to limit fruit but fruit has many vitamins too.
I am just frustrated. When I get frustrated it is hard to eat anything because it seems all on the "no" list.
I just have a hard time putting around with the idea that any food group should be eliminated. I don't down vegan or vegetarians if that is what helps for you that is wonderful. For me I have tried...low fat...low protein. Mad me fat and weak. I do better on low glycemic type. I even do good with cheese but for the sake of the cleansing I am giving up cheese for a few weeks then going to add it back. I ate some swiss cheese yesterday and felt great for 4 hours. I ate 4
oz of Swiss Cheese from Kroger. So if this is bad for me why did I get a boast of energy?
Just saying. There is so much conflicting info out there.
When I started cleaning up my diet a few months back I tried to limit bad carbs. Stick to meat, veggies, small fruit amounts, nuts, nut butter, hummus. I quit eating processed food except on occassion. Maybe once a week when no other option.
It is hard to say if it helped or not because at the same time I was battling to get off some meds and I did although I had to be hospitalized to get off of it.
Thanks once again.