I've been ill for awhile ...I had a root canal extraction and infection in my jaw from it and since I'm allergic to most Antibiotics my doc decided a hydrogen peroxide IV along with with UVB treatment . Afterwards I noticed I looked pretty pale for few days and the second day afterwards I had chills for three hours. Hydrogen peroxide IV has some side effects. My experience was I felt a little sick to my stomach and had problems breathing, and I'm assuming it is a die off reaction. I'm on day three I'm sure I will live through it. I felt good the first day I had it, but I been feeling pretty lousy since. After much discussion my husband who happens to be reading the book , Curing the Incurable which talked a lot about the power of vitamin C . We both agreed that the next IV will be Vitamin C is much safer and the body recognizes vitamin C For what it is worth, I would go the vitamin C route first.