Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide
New to this forum but excited to see if someone can direct me. A quick background on me. Had a colon resection 5 years ago at the age of 41, almost died. A week later had two ulcurs perforate..almost died again. Three surgeries later had the colostomy bag removed and was on the way to I thought. Doctors had me on the most powerful antibotics known to man for 4 mths. 3 years ago I began to have severe abominal pain, dizzy, feet would sting/burn/ache, spots in front of my eyes, joint pain and began to develop some food intollerances. Visited 8 different doctors and, this is no joke, was diagnosed with 8 different diseases. Neuropothy, diabetes, Minieres Disease, arthritis, acid reflux, gall stones, depression, anxiety and was given 6 different anti-depressants, Lyrica, pain meds. Needless to say the last 3 years has been a living hell. Modern medicine was no help...if anything they made me worse and they could care less. is where I am now. Started seeing a Naturopath...the jury is still out but I do seem to be having some success. I do believe most of the success has been the fact that I have all but eliminated
Sugar from my diet. Started taking a natural anti-fungal and pro-biotics and fish oil. Gonna give it 2 more mths. THe doctor I am seeing now is pushing Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide and says it is almost a WONDER DRUG! She claims is kills fungus such as Candida/yeast on contact. Has anyone here ever heard of that? I am seriously considering the procedure because I know that my yeast/candida is systemic and I'm not sure pills alone will do the trick. Any response would be appreciated.