Always a story to tell, but may not be the desire of others for their stories to be told however.
I would just like to see christians view their daily lives through spiritual warfare eyes for a change, instead of walking through life blinded by the enemy to what is happening in day to day living. It is amazing to watch, once you start focusing. I don't claim to have it down pat as far as understanding it all.....just paying attention to situations. (family/friends and such) Have been sharing alot of what we have been talking about here on the forum with others, who normally would give me a look of bewilderment if they heard me say some of the things I have said to them. lol
Even though I feel sure many christians would say they like sticking their head in the sand, not seeing beyond, and just being aware of the here and now, because looking beyond causes them to be afraid to know evil exists....the truth the long run, it causes one to be more at peace, (maybe not in the beginning) but when you see the battle going on and you know what it really is, one is finally dealing in truth and not make-believe. It's the make-believe that we see daily that keeps us confused and not understanding what God's will is in our lives or how to find answers. How can we have victory if we are viewing and accepting, make-believe reality?
There is nothing more faith building than seeing mountains move. The old saying...."be careful what you pray for" is so true, because you never know how God will make those mountains shake in order to bring about the desired outcome....but oh how needed those rumblings are sometimes. He will protect your head as the rocks come crashing down around you. We may feel the effects of the pounding, but He pulls us through, as we stay faithful to Him.
I'm so glad to see you still sharing your gift(s). :)