Wonderful worship video and welcome back from your vacation dear one!
"Good to be back. There needs to be a book written, called, "Everyday Spiritual Warefare"
Sounds as if you have a great story to tell of adversity and hopefully triumph, but do you wish to? : )
I would just like to see christians view their daily lives through spiritual warfare eyes for a change, instead of walking through life blinded by the enemy to what is happening in day to day living. It is amazing to watch, once you start focusing. I don't claim to have it down pat as far as understanding it all.....just paying attention to situations.
Yes, i agree with you on this and it's true that there is much blindedness in this area among God's children, i would say primarily because mainstream christianity does not teach it and all but ignores it. Similarly most in the mainstream are trained to believe that instantaneous healing miracles don't happen today and you almost never see such miracles in most churches. It is amazing, yes, to see obvious demonic manifestations when they arise and equally amazing to see these demons and their effects get cast out or away. Have you been directly engaging the enemy telling them to leave in Jesus name, helping others to get set free? I have to be honest that i really do enjoy helping people who are being met with demonic oppression and consider it a privilege to serve our Lord in this way.
Even though I feel sure many christians would say they like sticking their head in the sand, not seeing beyond, and just being aware of the here and now, because looking beyond causes them to be afraid to know evil exists....the truth is...in the long run, it causes one to be more at peace, (maybe not in the beginning) but when you see the battle going on and you know what it really is, one is finally dealing in truth and not make-believe. It's the make-believe that we see daily that keeps us confused and not understanding what God's will is in our lives or how to find answers. How can we have victory if we are viewing and accepting, make-believe reality?
Great insights Refreshed and i agree with you entirely.
There is nothing more faith building than seeing mountains move.
Agreed again. It's a wonderful thing when a person has depression or anxiety one second and it is gone the next by telling it to leave in Jesus name. It's hard for a person to deny the power of God when this happens.
I'm so glad to see you still sharing your gift(s). :)
Thank you and it is great to see you once again :)
I agree with you that anorexia is spirit induced. Praise the Lord that He set you free from this!
What I would like to know about the hard cases is.....what happens when we just pray but are not given total victory? As in praying for deliverance and seeing great benefits, yet the problem keeps coming back at times. What are we witnessing?
I don't have all of these answers for sure, but one thing i have seen people do is invite them back after they have gone. For example if someone has spirit of anger, it gets delivered and now it is 10 times easier (in the individual's own description) for them to refrain from going into a fit of rage... but when temptation comes, even though it is 10 times easier to resist it, if they give into it and explode again i believe this can immediately or eventually invite the spirit back in and now the problem becomes 10 times worse again. Same with addictions, self pity, or 100 other possible issues. I believe our part is to go to Jesus for the strength by His Spirit to resist these managable temptations while they are still managable. If we don't do our part , we provide legal grounds for the spirit to come back and the person needs to repent again and needs to be re-delivered.
Do our prayers attack the spirit...weakening them?....or does it just cause them to go into hiding, in hopes we go away and leave them alone? I didn't know if anyone had any insight into this.
I don't know for sure exactly how all of this works, and of course the bible provides extremely limited information in this area, but i believe our prayers do sometimes make them stop manifesting temporarily, as if the spirits are temporarily bound but didn't leave. other times we make them leave completely and they are gone... and other times, we make them leave, but the issue is not completely crucified in the flesh and the spirits hang around waiting for an open door (legal grounds) to come back in. It would be great to be blessed with increased giftings in this area, knowing for sure when they are still there and knowing for sure when they are gone. In one example, one of the two ex-witches i had prayed deliverance for... got set free from several tormenting spirits, but one of them became quiet only for a few hours (and she thought it was gone)... and then began to manifest again. I believe that this one in particular had legal grounds to stay, but was somehow made to shut up for a while from the battle, again as if it was temporarily bound... and I have seen the same thing happen in some healings while others have been permanant. One challenge is determining why it has legal grounds and helping the individual to repent those legal grounds away.