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Re: Al Gore calls for carbon tax... meanwhile, forcast calls for snow...
johng Views: 2,266
Published: 12 y
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Re: Al Gore calls for carbon tax... meanwhile, forcast calls for snow...

I'm sorry, i thougt the issue was what is the cause of climate change?... carbon dioxide, or something else? to be clear, are you suggesting that the Al Gore climate change theory is based on something other than the release of carbon dioxide as the causative agent, and if so, how about a reference?

otherwise, if you are suggesting that moving away from fossil fuels would benefit the planet... and that is why a carbon tax should be imposed... you are making an argument different than what the so called 'climate change experts' have been making for over a decade... and if that is the argument, surely there are better alternatives than taxing already impoverished people and lying to them 'for their own good' about global warming...


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