That's an old mountain remedy, although I've never tried it. Turpentine and kerosene were valuable medicines for a lot of isolated mountain folk. In fact, my grandma used to say "if ya cain't be cured with turpentine, ya probly ain't worth curin'." Turpentine and sugar was also a sure cure for strep throat and tonsillitis. Kerosene was used for snake bites and puncture wounds along with Jewel weed and a comfrey (comfee or comfort weed) poultice. A bee or wasp sting could be eased with a wad of well chewed tobacco. A Betty bug broken in half and the fluid dropped into a sore ear cured the earache; and measles would be brought out of an ailing child with a steaming cup of sheep manure tea. Kinda makes it easier to swallow the vile tasting herbal remedies :)