Re: reaction to apple cider vinegar?
> Have you managed to find anything that helps u with ur sluggish digestion so far?
No, not really, unfortunately.
For me, I believe the issue is kind of a vicious cycle:
Stagnation (poor energy flow) --> weak digestion --> toxicity from undigested food + lack of nutrient absorption --> Additional stagnation.
I spent a couple of weeks in an Ayurvedic hospital in India last year. The doctors would often talk about the feeling of lightness after eating a meal called 'laghu'. For me this is almost an alien concept - I cannot remember the last time I didn't feel heavy and bloated after eating.
The other day I went out for lunch with my bandmates before going to a rehearsal. We had around 25 minutes to order, eat, then get back to the venue for the soundcheck. They wolfed down their large, meaty dishes, while I slowly ate my bowl of food, chewing every mouthful we're supposed to, you know? Five or so minutes later, they're all finished, while I'm still there, less than half-way done! So, I try to hurry-up...just to finish. We pay, leave the place, and walk quickly back to the venue - they're all fine, almost sprinting away, while I'm feeling as sluggish as an old man, belly-full of food, and bloating-up.
Kinda sucks. ;(
I also wonder how much of this is psychological too, you know? My mind gets so worried about digesting the food that it actually creates the problem for itself. The million dollar question is how to break that cycle?
J x