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Re: Constantly sick for 4 months. Weird blood results. Renal acidosis, multiple allergies and parasites?

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

dpk Views: 2,856
Published: 12 y
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Re: Constantly sick for 4 months. Weird blood results. Renal acidosis, multiple allergies and parasites?

You listed alot of symptoms. The tachycardia and peripherial neuropathy was eventually helped by staying on the simplified methylation protocol from Rich Van Konynenburg. The tachycardia specifically was found to be related to potassium levels and magnesium levels. RVK has written some very informative posts on the pheonix rising website. I'm not a biochemist, so I don't know the specifics. RVK linked inadequate minerals as being linked with some of the methylation problems. Low folate and b12, low methyl groups and tried to address those. What many people experienced with the tachycardia was (I thought) related with the active form of folate (in deficient people) that would create new cells. This stressed the necessary components needed to make those cells and potassium being one of them. So, taking magnesium and potassium supplements became important for those people. Taking a form of folate that the body didn't have to convert became important. RVK's protocol includes both active forms so your enzymes don't have to convert. A small portion of the population can't convert folic acid to folate at all and it just blocks their receptors.

What I experienced with the peripherial neuropathy was that it was linked with a b12 deficiency. RVK tries to address this as well. One unusual thing that I finally learned was that in times of low methyl groups which most people with cfs have or eventually develop, is that the acetylcholine is removed from it's ganglia within the nervous system to compensate for the low methyl groups. After 3.5 years of neuropathy it went away when I started to take larger doses of lecithin, mostly in the form of sunflower lecithin. This would replenish the stored sites and honestly it fixed it(for me). B12 was the culprit, but it was the acetylcholine that was needed to replinish itself within the nervous system. Also acetylcholine is prominent in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems as well. That's what I found. But, RVK tried to address those issues about the tachycardia. The potassium proved to be important. The problem is each person is genetically different and has their very own toxic load and immune health. Trying raw organic saurekraut I think is a great way to help support a person immune system and health.

If you wanted to rule out food allergies you can test for them. I think metamatrix offers one. That may help. If you could read some of Rich Van Konynenburg's papers I think it would be very helpful too.


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