You have consistently dismissed my theories while using your own research studies, but each time the studies that you use to support your point are superficial at best... and don't go nearly far back enough in history nor provide the sort of in-depth research for you to make such disparaging comments to me. Given that you have once again resorted to this habit... I will provide some of the studies for you to research yourself.
Keep in mind that psychiatry and psychology were outgrowths of and heavily influenced by the Third Reich and the Eugenics movement. Prior to this time, it was known that the symptoms of what is now labeled as "mental illness" was the result of neurological conditions of precisely the nature to which I am referring.
I should also add that given that it is now known that trauma can result in Multiple Sclerosis... children who have been diagnosed with Autism should also be evaluated for brain lesions. There have already been study using fMRI scanning, but a more thorough method would be to do a standard MRI using an MS Protocol along with Evoked Potential tests.
BTW... thanks for the suggestion to "Go figure." I did... and now I'm going to once again remove myself from this site after making one more reply. I got the same BS attitude when I posted about "PTSD" over 4 years ago... and I simply cannot stomach arrogant dismissals when I know what the hell that I'm talking about!