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Re: Living a wellness-centred lifestyle
honda Views: 1,497
Published: 12 y
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Re: Living a wellness-centred lifestyle

from what i understand of wellness is that is that it is about a healthy body, mind and soul. One of the best ways to start wellness (from my personal ecperience) is to give blessings. Human beings are the most powerful of all animals. their brain is developed beyond science can comprehend. before sleeping at night, i.e. after lieing on the bed, close your eyes and bless anyone who comes in front of your eyes. Absolutely anyone,  could be a stranger you saw on street today or could be maybe someone you hate a lot, someone you love.. you should bless with all your heart and it shuold be as pure as possible. and things will start to change after around 2 months. primarily , your body will become more healthy and then the mind will follow



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