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Re: Starting juice fast done a few fasts before.

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

natway Views: 3,658
Published: 12 y
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Re: Starting juice fast done a few fasts before.

To get where you want to go, you're going to have to make a lifestyle change. Even though juicing can be beneficial, it's still a quick fix solution. A doctor I respect and try to follow his eating advice says that he thinks it's not the juice fasting that works, but abstaining from the foods the harm us!

From the diets that harmed me to the ones that are starting to heal me, I recommend you look into high-carb/low-fat ways of eating. The two I recommend to check out are 80-10-10 by Dr. Doug Graham and Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall. Even though both recommend vegan, you don't necessarily have to be. I'm not.

I believe we are omnivores by nature too, but look how our closet animal relative, the Bonobo chimpazee eats. They are omnivorous frugivores, eating mostly fruit, moderate vegetables, and only small amounts of animals or insects. Their diet is low-fat.

Needing stimulants are a sign of not enough rest, or that your cells aren't getting enough glucose which could be caused by not eating enough carbs, or eating too much fat which blocks glucose absorption.



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