In my experience Luella, calorie counting has been promulgated by weightwatchers clubs who are very good at extracting money from your wallet; the real secret to abate genuine hunger is to appease the appestat: an organ within the Brain that controls appetite or the demand for food.
If the body is satisfied nutritionally at the cellular level, this switches this organ off and suppresses appetite/hunger, but if we eat foods that are not nutritionally-dense, then this switches the appestat back on, because the body is left nutritionally empty. This can result in a constant state of hunger: the reason we overeat and therefore gain weight.
Low calorie but nutrient-dense foods will easily satisfy hunger, but how do we know we are eating too many or too few calories? by keeping an eye on ones weight: if you gain weight you are eating too many calories, but if you lose weight, you are eating too few. Simple.