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Re: Am I in denial? I am BEGGING for all your opinions!
Maniacal Views: 23,481
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Re: Am I in denial? I am BEGGING for all your opinions!

I googled symptoms of candida ... turns out everyone in the galaxy has abt half those symptoms. However, the squirmy feeling in your booty isnt one of them.

I am definitely going to take your advice and get the kroger herbs. I have spend hours and hours on amazon trying to figure out which ones are the best/most effective. It seems like no single bottle has *all* the herbs you need to rid yourself of them.

Ive never heard that you cannot see pinworms. In fact, its a well known recommendationw that if your kids get them you should sneak up on them in the middle of the night with a flashlight in hand, and pull the covers down super fast to examine your kids spread buttcheeks. Ive also known real people that say they can see them sometimes, whether in their stool or crawling on them. Its actually fairly common.

I know my post was long as hell, but yeah, one of the reasons I am unsure I have pinworms is the first place is *because* I have no anal itching. Ive heard thats the biggest sign.


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