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Re: Diet for all you guys to try out
FluffyBunny Views: 3,822
Published: 12 y
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Re: Diet for all you guys to try out

Uuuumm, wait, how does it make sense to eliminate grapes and oranges? They are fresh fruit and will not exacerbate ANY problems by themselves. I feel it is ridiculous to villify certain foods without an actual basis, unless you care to explain why grapes in particular are more harmful than other fruit.
Also, brown rice syrup can't really help. It's just as bad as any other sugar. It's like saying brown Sugar is so much more mineral-rich than the white. Uh ... nope. From experience, I'd suggest eliminating the Sugar altogether and prepare for a fantastic new life. After a bit you can reintroduce it, but you will never go back to previous level, as you begin to FEEL what it does to your body. You'll naturally begin to crave sweet foods in the forms they were meant to be consumed and that nourish you in their sweetness - like fruit. Like grapes. :P
Oh, wait. Strawberries?! Your post actually makes sense and is good, apart from that whole off-limits fruit list, which is just ... silly. :S


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