Re: At the hospital
I have the burning and stinging in the neck as well.. i think it is the creeping larvae it really hurts... it can also travel to the shoulder area and really stings.
I also went through the horrible humiliating ordeal of ending up in hosptial because of the worms in my throat and not being able to swallow. They did a scope and ofcourse the worms went straight into my sinuses and reappeared after the procedure back into my throat.
Medical practitioners are hopeless in finding worms... and they treat you like shit.
Also... I presented a stool covered in worms to the doctors office. It was tested and came back "negative" as there was no eggs in it! So its a ridiculous situation... positive results come from eggs being present in stool samples only.. and from my
colonic irrigation experience... eggs come out AFTER bowel movements.. usually forced out with
colonic irrigation.. that was my personal experience of seeing mountains of eggs.
None of my medical interractions have been positive; although the last guy I saw said he'd send whatever is coming up in my throat to the lab... however.. it will probably come back "negative" ...