I have been meeting with a doctor for the what I believe to be VLM and OLM (visceral and ocular larval migrans) or possibly toxocariasis. I feel worm-like movement originating from my sinuses, the tissue behind my eyes, the spine, and within the skull and brain itself.
I have physical symptoms including:
sinus pressure
migraines (severe) (BTW I have never had migraines before this started happening about 1 month ago, now I have them DAILY)
involuntary twitching and jerking movements of the neck/head, limbs, and sometimes legs.
Loss of fine motor skills
Loss of balance (I fell over while walking once because of this)
Memory loss
Hot/burning sensation of the head and neck
Heart palpitations
Numbness in the face
Inability to continue doing normal daily activities during migraines
Diarrhea, then constipation, then gas, then repeat (usually have to excrete anywhere from 4-6 times a day)
Bloating of the lower abdomen
Tightness to the point of pain in the bowels
Frequent and urgent urination
Blurred vision (sometimes)
Eye pain
Anyway, my point is:
I told all of these symptoms to the doctor. Then I said I think it could be from parasites.
Instead of testing me for parasites, or addressing any of the symptoms, she prescribed me 10mg Amitriptyline (increased to 20mg in 7 days). She said it should help with the parasites.
Later, I did some research. Turns out Amitriptyline is an anti-psycotic medication.
Excuse my french, but... ...What the F***?
So even if you are basically on the verge of death, they will do absolutely nothing to try and save your life.
Now I am clinging on to my life by consuming 2000 mg Vit C every 2 hours and 2 cloves of garlic (raw) every 2 hours (I hate garlic)
IMO: Don't waste your time with the medical industry. They will just think you are psychotic and give you anti-psychotic medicine.
Apparently they didn't learn that 25% of the population has roundworms in med school. (which can cause all of my symptoms.)