Hi Tamera - it's possible that you are developing a yeast reaction on your tongue (thrush). I have also found that the amount of Sugar that we consume in this cleanse does create yeast problems, if you're doing the cleanse for an extended period of time. When this last happened to me, I purchased some probiotic tablets and dissolved them in water and drank them down. Although you're not supposed to have any supplements (if you're following the fast as directed by SB), you may need to make some adjustment to allow you to carry on. If you want to be able to continue on, and don't want to deal w/ongoing yeast problems, you might try this. Also, note that the amount of syrup that you're consuming is probably aggravating the situation - try cutting back. When I last experienced a yeast problem in the 3rd week of my MC, I decided to switch to a pure Water Fast on Day 20, and carried on to Day 30.