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Cats Claw Reactions?

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Published: 12 y

Cats Claw Reactions?

I know that the herb cat's claw is not necessarily a staple in nutritional balancing, but I know that many of you do take it as part of the program. I have been on it for about 3 weeks now to help fight my chronic infections, and am noticing some changes lately. On the positive note, I have not had any yeast infections since starting it, and am have noticed a significant improvement in my immune system's strength.

On the other hand, I am starting to feel a bit anxious again. Not panicky but very restless. I have not had this in a long time. I've also had more brain fog lately and a "heavy head".

I am thinking that this may be some sort of die off or detox that's being provoked by the cat's claw, as I have not made any other changes or added anything new to my diet. Has anyone taking cat's claw experienced anything similar?? Does anyone know if cat's claw is known to move copper or any other types of hidden toxic metals? Thanks


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