12 y
Re: Fast Oxidizers
I'm a fast ozider too with eating problems. Before I found the NB program I was more or less doing their recommended diet - but now that I found it I can't do the diet. Typical for me to be backwards with everything.
I'm still 'courting' the program mainly because there's no way I can stomach the paleo diet anymore. So I'm eating a lot of carbs and fats and some meat when I want it. The supplements are doing ok for me which is a plus.
When I was young I was underweight, could never seem to gain, then at 19 or so I gained muscle and was fine until about 35 when I gained weight after liver flushes.
When I cut down on the protein my weight normalized, but I'm still a bit overweight and very bloated no matter what I eat.
I've been through every combination of foods that exists and nothing works which makes me think diet is not the underlying problem for me.
I think I'll be eating high fat for life, it was probably a missing piece of the puzzle for me when I was younger. But as far as energy goes protein does nothing good for me, gotta have carbs if I want to function. I love eating meat and wish my body didn't react to it so poorly now.
I think I was probably a fast oxider as a kid and then burnt out at a young age.