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Re: From sister with love
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Re: From sister with love

Can't speak for Mike but I was fortunate. Mom totally understood my sis and always told me, "just 'bear her cross' on this one."

Same way with Dad. Sis would "show" him how nasty I could be with an email - but not show him the papertrail (lol) that led up to it.

I finally did that, saving absolutely everything from the first and joyous one I initiated. When he had the time, I showed him why I HAD to "let my sister go"...explaining to Dad that, "she does this ALL the time to me, Dad, ALL the time."

Dad said to me, "What the he!! is WRONG with her?"


(Not really funny, but I just told him, "Hey, Dad, she gets it honest - she's a lot to ME like YOUR sister was to you...I just didn't want you to think I was as bad as she was making ME out to be.)

I think both my parents kinda knew I'd turn out ok in the end. They were both placed in the right place at the right time. It really does all work out.

Like my late-mom told my dad about her passing (in a dream of his before he also passed):

"BOB! I can't WAIT to show you! Once you're here you understand EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!"

Dad would then change the subject because Mom was at her most joyous and beautiful in that lovely dream and he hated to cry in front of us kids. I really miss them both.

Funny thing? I seem to be the only kid who does. After we placed my dad's ashes into the crypt next to my mom's, everybody else complained about them. I almost left early - but I'm glad I held out because that was the last time I saw my whole family together...July 2010.


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