Re: parasite die off or something else
i dont live near mexico. my doctor studies chinese medicine and is actually an acupuncturist. i just call him a naturopath since thats basically what he is.
what im taking is called artestatin (which i think is called
Wormwood ) and it says its athe artemesia anua herbal supplement. i started my 1st week taking 3 of them a day once a day. then the second week i took 3 of them twice a day so thats 6. now its 9 of them in a day, 3 times a day. the bottle says its ok and i guess thats the maximum limit.
i really dont want to put a bunch of random stuff in my body without really knowing the cause. ive already been taking detox that i just finished and still taking these herbs along with sleeping herbs at times. i guess im going to have to go to a gastro and see for sure whats going on in me. thats kind of what worries me too, i just have no clue what is exactly wrong.
its just weird because i was perfectly fine before this and now everything sucks so bad. ive had trouble eating mainly and just feel body aches and mood swings all day. theres no consistency in my feelings. i hear this is normal but everyone is different and have no idea what really is normal at this point. i read that its die off, but i also read that die off shouldnt last more than a week. i heard some other people its longer.
i just dont want to keep wasting time and money. i have a bunch of debt that i been working on lately and a bunch of doctors bills that arent getting me better is really dragging me down.