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Update: another milestone in my recovery reached
Faith110 Views: 1,738
Published: 12 y

Update: another milestone in my recovery reached

I'm so happy right now I just have to share. I have been on NB for almost 6 months now and have had plenty of ups and downs. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm stuck in a rut, but then something will happen that shows me that I really am recovering.

For the past 3 days, I have been able to fall asleep with no problem and STAY asleep for 8-9 hours! This is huge for me, as I have not had a full nights sleep without waking around 2 or 3 am for about 2 years. I am waking up with energy, and feeling refreshed. I am not taking any sleeping aids.

I figured out that if I take my fish and flax oils right before bed, I don't wake up feeling hungry and weak from night time fasting. I can get up and not eat for an hour or two. I don't even eat a bed time snack anymore. I think that the fat from the oils keeps me sustained through the night.

Yet another testimony to how good NB is. Can't wait to see how I'm going to feel in 6 more months :)


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