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Re: SSKI 22 months...
ZenTao Views: 1,613
Published: 12 y
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Re: SSKI 22 months...

It could be Demodex, Scabies, or any other mite, fungus or some other organism. It would help to see a picture..

However you might want to try what I did with my rashes..

I dealt with some really complicated skin symptoms (crawling sensations and severe rashes) for many years. Tried every magic trick in the book until I found this wonderful oil mix that uses natural coconut and almond oil mixed with bug-killing essential oils. It also includes an enzyme spray that you apply first to weaken the bugs.

See here:

I know it says Scabies, but their stuff has taken care of practically every rash I've ever had. Just get the enzyme spray + oil mix, you don't necessarily need anything else.

Another thing which also helps with rashes is just basic sulfur soap. You can get it on Amazon for example. It comes as a bar of soap (yellow package).

So I would do:

1: Wash with sulfur soap
2: Spray with enzyme spray after shower
3: Massage oil into the rash as often as you can during the day

That should fix it.



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