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SSKI 22 months...
seek2clean Views: 2,014
Published: 12 y

SSKI 22 months...

I have been loving SSKI for almost two years, with companions: Mag. Malate(5 years), B-complex, Tri-boron, Selenium, - recently added the Vit. C that should have been there all along. At 10 drops SSKI daily for several months - want to add recent purchase Lugols 2%. Should I lower the SSKI dosage to add Lugols, or stay at 10 drops and add how much Lugols?????

I am 59, post-Meno nine years - no HRT's. I am fortunate to be in decent shape at my age, very little grey in healthy hair, look younger than I am, weigh 120 - NO PHARMAS ON BOARD FOR SEVERAL YEARS! I also use Triphala, sometimes Betaine HCL... have tried many things in 8 years haunting the CZ. R.O water several years, no milk as long.

HOWEVER, one pesky skin/scalp problem STILL going strong!! STAYS AT NECK/HEAD, creeps onto face around hairline....ITCHY for many years now despite anything, including SSKI. There is a callous in front of my ear from scratching. I suspect some kind of fungal infection, or seriously gluten intolerant. Hoping addition of elemental Iodine is timely? I read here daily, but need some direction...please and thank you.



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