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Re: Cold from copper?
Faith110 Views: 3,115
Published: 12 y
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Re: Cold from copper?


I had a feeling that a big component of this rash is candida getting pissy :/

I also started a new digestive enzyme so I believe that it is also causing die off. The rash seems to be subsiding but I am still unbearably itchy at night, especially between the hours of 3 am and 5 am. I think that this is due to the cortisol being its lowest, and also the low estrogen/progesterone levels.

I have noticed improvements in my energy levels, mental clarity, hypoglycemia, and overall sense of well being since starting NB back in august. However I do not feel that it has been very effective in balancing the ovarian component to my AFS. I have been holding off on going into natural HRT, but I'm thinking that mild bioidentical hormone doses along with the NB program may speed recovery a bit, or at least alleviate some of these symptoms.



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