Re: None of the meds/herbs are killing the critters!
You aren't alone.
I cannot sleep either. Cannot eat, dramatic weight loss. Sorry for venting on your thread.
The pain is immense. They are everywhere, the larave is probbly the most painful in my liver.
They are up my neck, mating there and spewing the larvae into my body.
It is a nightmare.
I've tried qutie alot of drugs and herbs and like you... its not helping. Don't know what to suggest but it feels like none of this working - maybe the herbs alone is the only way. I hear from others here bloodroot is the way to go.
Don't really know what else to suggest. I watched my mother and my aunt die like this. I think basically that's how alot of people die through worm infrestation, but they don't even know it. Wish I had something to take away the pain.
For a moment there I thought I picked this up from dogs, but now I think it could be passed on from mother to child.
Prayers to you friend.