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Re: Uny, Willow, Mac&Cheese; Is black walnut and walnut interchangeable?
niteblume Views: 1,753
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Re: Uny, Willow, Mac&Cheese; Is black walnut and walnut interchangeable?

Thank you Uny and Water,

I really appreciate your both taking the time to answer my question. I may seem overly dense but I'm still having a problem being sure I understand. Dr Christopher did not say 'black' walnut in his instructions. I assumed he meant english walnut leaves or bark. I guess maybe he just left the word our.

Uny, You said:

Black-Walnut trees yield the Black-Walnut s that we eat; Black-Walnut hulls (both brown/black and green); black walnut bark (inner), and black walnut leaves.

Since they all come from the same plant, there are some similar qualities/chemicals, but each are different.>

Maybe you were saying that none of the therapeutic uses come from the 'english walnut' OR Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my questions that my not understanding had to do with the KIND of tree. I knew that Dr Christopher said either the leaves or bark could be used, but did he mean 'black walnut' where he said 'walnut'?

Ok...I looked up prolapse in the Centennial Edition of "School of Natural Healing". It took me to page 67 where it names walnut leaves and tells in parentheses that the name for that is 'Juglans nigra'. I googled 'juglans nigra' and found that it means 'black walnut'. I don't know why they would call for walnut when they mean 'black walnut', but I think I feel secure in using black walnut now for the formula.

I am so sorry for keeping on bugging you good people, but maybe I have it through my thick head now. Thank you all for your trouble.

So Uny, your yellow dock tea has exactly the same 7 herbs and in exactly the same proportions as Dr. Christopher's slant board combination? That's good news. Thanks for telling me that. That would be much easier for now :::wink::: .

I hate that I was so much trouble and please know that I really appreciate all the help.



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