The search/link in this thread that I posted was for sources of black walnut bark:
For therapeutic use, black walnut trees yield the black walnuts that we eat; black walnut hulls (both brown/black and green); black walnut bark (inner), and black walnut leaves.
Since they all come from the same plant, there are some similar qualities/chemicals, but each are different.
You said (in the thread/link above):
>>>It is one of seven herbs that Dr Christopher recommends to insert rectally or vaginally in combination with a slantboard. It is for a prolapse of either kind.<<<
>>>Dr Christopher said the walnut leaves could be used in place of the bark<<<
I assume you're referring to the "slant board combination" - which is exactly the same as Yellow Dock Tea (which, by the way :::wink::: is something we've had in the Apothecary for a long time - in case you didn't know it). We also have the herbal bolus blend that he recommends that uses Squaw vine.
From my Dr. Christopher CD:
Slant Board Combinations:
As an aid in prolapsed uterus, bowel, or other organs, to assist in giving relief make concentrated tea (simmer down to 1/2 its amount) of six parts oak bark, three parts mullein herb, four parts yellow dock root, three parts walnut bark, or leaves, six parts comfrey root, one part lobelia, three parts marshmallow root. Inject with a syringe (while head down on slant board) into vagina, or rectum for prolapses or hemorrhoid problems and leave in as long as possible before voiding same. Dose: suggested use of 1/4 to one cup one or more times in a day and drink 1/4 Cup in 3/4 Cup of distilled water three times in a day.
As I scan/search through the CD, I see several notations of "black walnut bark, or leaf" it seems he was okay with substituting the leaf.
'Hope that answers your questions :)
Healthiest of blessings,