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Re: Where do I start?

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jurplesman Views: 3,614
Published: 12 y
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Re: Where do I start?

Hi Kim,


I am always amazed why there so little support for people like yourself. It is a cardinal principle in science that you always look for the more simpler explanations before looking at the more complex explanations for mood disorders. (Occam's Razor).

A very simple explanation for your symptoms is that after a long period of having produced excess stress hormones you adrenal glands have given up and now that you cannot supply the stress hormones you are depressed.


Stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol,  function to supply the body - and especially the brain - with energy (glucose) from stored glucose stores in the body (glycogen) in order to feed the brain with biological energy (from glucose) called adenosinetriphosphate (ATP). Without that energy the body cannot convert nutrients in food such as tryptophan into serotonin, hence you become depressed.


Excess production of stress hormones usually indicated that the body has problems feeding the brain with glucose. This points to hypoglycemia, which can be treated by going on a Hypoglycemic Diet. Hypoglycemia is a sugar handling problem, also know as prediabetic insulin resistance. It prevents the proper absorption and metabolism of glucose into biological energy (ATP).


Thus the simple solution for you is to adopt the hypoglycemic diet, whilst continuing to use whatever drugs is giving you temporary relief now. Drugs mask symptoms without doing anything the "cure" the underlying biochemical abnormality that is responsible for your symptoms. Once you start to feel better on this natural diet, you can GRADUALLY withdraw from your medication under doctor's supervision.


Once you understand the ramifications of hypoglycemia, you will be able to treat most mood disorders by simple nutritional means.



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