Suffering for years with no real answers. Please help
I have suffered from bad
Body Odor for a number of years now and still can't find a real answer or treatment specific to what I am dealing with. I know there are lots of people on here who have posted their remedies but honestly there is just too many different treatments and things to try and its so confusing and I don’t know which ones to try and are specific to what I am dealing with because it seems like everybody else has some different issues as well. Please help me. I have always had excessive sweating all over my body since puberty. When I played sports my body would be drenched in sweat. When I went to school I would sweat a lot too, and I think at school it was triggered mostly by anxiety of being around a lot of people, but also I always just felt hot and overheated when I would be in the school. I live in a cooler climate so weather is not an issue until summertime.
I did not have any
Body Odor issues until I was around 15-16 years old. The odor was pretty mild back then and would come and go. I still had friends, and played team sports and lived a normal happy life. When I was 17-19 years old school became hell for me because my friends started to notice that I smelled. I moved schools and gave up having any school friends; however my teammates from sports outside of school didn't really notice it and I still hung out with them all the time.
When I was about 20-21 that's when my
Body Odor became a constant issue. I got an athletic scholarship and I went to college in Texas (warmer climate) and noticed my body odor became worse (horrible BO!) and permanent. Nobody wanted to sit behind or anywhere near me in class. When I moved back home the BO was not as bad because its cooler here but it was still BAD BO and did not go away. I’m 24 now (female by the way) and live with constant BO. I have heard by comments made that the smell itches peoples throats, that it’s a musty smell, and it makes people cough, but the smell is mainly BO.
Besides the bad body odor smell, I do also on occasion give off a wave of skunk smell. The skunk smell is extremely pungent and happens occationaly in a quick but strong wave. Maybe there is something causeing this if I tell you the details maybe someone has an answer. It happens only when I am in a car or outside for whatever reason. It happends most of the time in the car, usually if I have multiple layers of clothing on – maybe because my underarms can’t “breathe” ?? and especially if there is another person in the car (anxiety?) and it’s a longer drive. When I’m outside the skunk smell mostly happens in the summer when I am doing something active like exercising, but it can only happen in the winter outside when I am dressed in layers. I don’t give off this smell indoors unless its summertime and very hot inide the house as well, then the skunk smell will unfortunately linger around the house, but otherwise it just doesn’t happen indoors.
I just want to know if by the information I provided if someone has some sort of idea of the cause of my constant BO issue and maybe also why I give off a wave of skunk smell sometimes. I took the TMAU test and was negative for both primary and secondary TMAU. Is there some relation with the excessive sweating all over my body? Or is there something else that I am suffering from that has caused all my symptoms?? By the way my sweating is less now than it was when I was in school. I sweat way less now in my normal daily life, but I still sweat buckets all over when I exercise. I don’t think it’s the sweat though that is causing the smell because even when my armpits and body have not been sweating I still smell like BO. Please let me know if you maybe have some answers for me or can at least get me started with something to try to treat it. The one thing I did try was taking copper chorophyllin, vitamin B2, and activated charcoal because I thought I had TMAU but that’s obviously ruled out now… I don’t think it made any difference. Please let me know your thoughts…Thank you for any and all help!