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Day 34
vanderkc Views: 1,441
Published: 12 y

Day 34

Day 34

Still tired but not vomiting acid so far today so hopefully that was a healing crisis although the nausea is occasionally still there. I feel hydrated so I may still see about getting to the gym today for a bit of movement. Each day now is just a day at a time. I was hoping to have a firm job offer by the time I finished my fast but I may not have the reserves to go that long although I am getting more calls and updated my resume again.

Need to register for another graduate class today. 3 classes begin Monday but I am hoping to swap one unneeded english class for a programming class.

I really want to get to my milestone c now, especially since it is so close but if my reserves don't hold out or my strength fails me, I'll be moving to refeeding soon with fresh grapefruit juice, potassium broth and bone mineral broth to rebuild energy stores and nutrients.


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