Re: Humaworm and Liver flush for Gall stones
As an update I am now in the last week of the Humaworm
As I mentioned above – in the first week I had some Gall bladder flare up symptoms - moderate attacks after breakfast – which lead me to believe / suppose that the 6-7 ingredients in humaworm that stimulate bile flow were stirring up my stones and making attacks more likely - I spread the humaworm dose over the day more – and that seemed to help
However in this last week or so – something has changed - I am getting gall bladder pain
Pretty much all of the time - but not directly related to what I eat or when I last ate
This is very unusual for me - for a year its been stable – and if I eat rich foods - approx 4-6hrs later I have an attack. I have therefore managed my diet and had v few attacks
Now its almost constant pain – less extreme than a full attack - cycling more – then less - but some pain all of the time - for the last 10 days - and not linked to fatty food I ate
It also feels different - if I massage the area under my right rib – it changes the pain towards the middle of my chest and lessens it. I can still feel the gall bladder hard and swollen as before – but it’s less painful to touch.
I have also had a lot of gurgling in that region, foul smelling stools and wind - but who knows if that’s connected / just the humaworm / something else
Does anyone have any explanations for what may be happening?