Re: I think my 1 and 3 year olds have Candida. Need advice asap. Please help!
Thank you so much for your reply.
I did breastfeed them, but had a very difficult time producing enough milk with my 3 year old, and after only a month or so, I had no choice but to turn to formula. That was awful for me, as I never even considered that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed.
With my 1 year old, after only a month, I had emergency gallbladder surgery and that killed my already struggling milk production and was, once again, forced to turn to formula. He had to be on alimentum.
As far as their diets, not withstanding th
e fact that I can barely get my 3 year old to eat at all these days, a typical breakfast is a scrambled egg with chia seeds cooked with a little
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil , fresh fruit (sliced banana, fresh strawberries and/or blueberries, pineapples, clementines, pears, apple, etc). Or oatmeal and fresh fruit. And sometimes a whole grain waffle or buckwheat pancake lightly drizzled with raw honey or agave nectar.
My 1 year old generally naps through lunch and my 3 year old outright refuses to eat anything, so lunch has kind of disappeared at this time. A typical dinner is mostly steamed veggies (broccoli, asparagus, carrots, peas,...have not yet been able to get them to expand much beyond that, but continue to try to introduce new veggies), fresh fruit, beans, yogurt, (if they didn't have it with breakfast), sometimes a little brown rice or pasta (ezekiel) or a slice of plain Ezekiel bread. My 1 year old loves cottage cheese.
They only drink water with meals and milk in between. Almost no juice, unless I freshly juice it. My 3 year old is not big on juices.
They also take flaxseed oil.
Their diets aren't as varied as I would like, but they are little and all I can do is keep introducing new foods and hope they begin to develop tastes for more things. But I do try to keep it healthy, consisting of whole foods and no processed or junk foods. Maybe an occasional cookie or lollipop here and there. Not good, I know, but I do cave occasionally.
But hopefully that helps paint a bit of a clearer picture. Any advice and wisdom you would like to share is welcomed and appreciated :)
Thank you in advance :)