Re: Cofactors?
No - i really don't think it was gas. I've suffered all my life with intestinal issues and am well-used to gas being a problem - sure it's painful and uncomfortable but certainly have never experienced successive sharp pains with gas - certainly not in the groin either - normally intestinal.
I'm going to give the
Iodine another try - once my relatives leave after new year.
Like i said, the first application of
Iodine i actually felt quite good i.e - i could get out of bed and DO stuff! But the next dose i went dooowwwwn-hill.
As an aside not - i've been plotting my temps - 3x a get an average. They were in the low range between 35.6 & 36.1 ...jumping around here and there or stabilising for a few days in the low range.
After i had my pain session, vomiting and collapse that night, which plummeted my temp down to 34.5...every day since it has been climbing .1 of a degree everyday. Yesterday was the highest it's ever been - 36.8. Interesting to note as it's been climbing i've been feeling more headachy, tired and dizziness has set-in for the past 3 days.
So i think the
Iodine - jump-started thyroid which woke-up my adrenals maybe? And they're producing more hormones again?...and my temps rising in relation to this hormonal change?...and possibly i'm feeling wrecked because the adrenals have been fatigued for so long and are being forced to work due to increasing thyroid hormone signals?
I'll let you know what happens when i try iodine again - i might do one day on one day off to start next time...'cos i'm a sissy and scared myself! ;-)