Please help! Rashes erupt after starting detox!
Recently I purchased colosan and started the the 3 times a day initial cleanse as recommended. After 2-3 days, I started to get woke up one morning with dry nose, and the skin above my upper lip was very dry, red, and itchy.
Not knowing what it was I applied some
- to help ease the rash as it tends to work relatively well with rashes in the past. This time round it only provided temporary relief, and the rashes started to spread, swell, and form slight pimples with white pus like substance in it.
The rash started to spread to the sides of the nose and now the lower lip. It Itch like hell, and there are some pimples with white pus like substance inside(but I don't break them on purpose). The pimples actually moved from onto the harder parts of my lips and stops just when the mucous membrane starts on the inside of the lip. My lips have become rough, 'scaly', and cracked as a result.
I am trying to isolate what is causing it, and can only wonder whether it is the deep seated toxins coming out, and if so, why only on my lips/mouth/face area?
Also, recently, I started dating a lady that seems to be quite hygienic, but I was wondering if this is coldsores(herpes), or Cutaneous Candidiasis? Perhaps looks can be deceiving and she has passed either one to me?
Any and all help would be much appreciated as this is wreaking havoc on my life, and the itch is killing me. It takes all of my willpower to not scratch the affected area as in my experience, it tends to spread when scrated.
Please please please help me out here!
I'm considering putting tea tree oil mixed with sesame oil to see if it works.
Suggestions and thoughts PLEASE?