I have exactly same red , dry, cracked, sticky lips during my C. Guilliermondii (non-albicans) overgrow war.
You have to check:
All people should know 3 basic ratio:
Sodium / Potassium - 0,47-0,83 so best is 2:3 for example (i use following dosage) 3000mg sodium(its like 18 salt peach) and 4500mg potassium (parsley and broccoli mostly)
Copper / Zinc - 1:10 - from 1:7 up to 1:12 no more 1:15.
Copper from parsley mostly - i have 2,5mg copper and 15mg zinc from fish and eggs and 10 from supps = 25 - ratio=1:10 since few days after one year wrong ratio. 30mg zinc and 2,5mg copper work too.
Ca / Mg - 2:1 - 700mg form food and 2x300 from egg shells - 300mg capcium is half teaspoon or 1/3 teaspoon of egg shells.
Magnesium 300mg form food and 350mg from supps.
Ratio is 1300/650 - 2:1
B-complex also help me with my lips - now they are normal little sticky from gut detox. B-complex NOT TOO MUCH not too little. Take 1x50mg b-complex one daily or smaller twice, no more.
I am here almost every day, you will not die :D
p.s. this is C. monillia probably - on lips.
Oh, yes, red lips during cleanese i have too, but i have red lips no more then 2 weeks, if you have longer , you have bad diet or bad mineral ratios in food.
Red lips gone with B2 vitamin, remember do not go to sleep when your urine is dark yellow, b-vit feed candida at nigth strong. So drink some before go to sleep.